
好书推介│延续千年的文明对话 Cultural Dialogue over Thousands of Years

时间:2023-11-25 07:29:01


好书推介│延续千年的文明对话 Cultural Dialogue over Thousands of Years

以中印为方法 以世界为目的

From China and India

to the world as a whole


by Zhu Li

2020年12月,由山东教育出版社出版的《中外文学交流史·中国-印度卷》的英文版《China and India: Dialogue of Civilizations》在印度出版发行。该书由深圳大学印度研究中心郁龙余教授、广东省社科院刘朝华研究员撰著,印度尼赫鲁大学狄伯杰教授翻译,印度Pentagon出版社出版。

In December 2020, China and India: Dialogue of Civilizations, the English version of the India volume of China-foreign Literature Exchange History published by Shandong Education Press, was released in India. The book was co-authored by Yu Longyu and Liu Chaohua, translated by B. R. Deepak, a renowned professor at Nehru University, and published by Pentagon Press.


China and India: Dialogue of Civilizations combs the rich history of the literary interaction and cultural exchange between the two countries over the past 2,000 years.

中印同属世界四大文明古国和中世纪三大文化中心,两国的文化交流属于多元一体的跨文明交流。此书的写作、出版、译介曾得到中印两国国宝级学者季羡林先生、洛克希·金德尔先生、夏斯特利先生的支持。2016年1月,印度新德里国际书展开幕,《中外文学交流史·中国-印度卷》《季羡林评传》等新出版著作参展,深受印度读者好评。山东教育出版社与Prakashn Sansthan,Pentagon等印度出版社签署了这两本书的版权输出合同。

Representatives of the four ancient civilizations, both countries were among the three cultural hubs of the Middle Ages and engaged in consistent cultural exchange that became real trans-civilizational communication. The book has been endorsed and supported by well-known national scholars from both countries such as Ji Xianlin, Lokesh Chandra, and Satya Vrat Shastri. In January 2016, China was the guest of honor at the New Delhi World Book Fair. China and India: Dialogue of Civilizations and Ji Xianlin: A Critical Biography were both well received by the Indian readers. Shandong Education Press, the publisher, sold the copyrights of the two books to PRAKASHN SANSTHAN and Pentagon Press.



The copyright contract signing ceremony was attended by Satya Vrat Shastri, an Indian Sanskrit expert and winner of the Padma Award, TCA Rangachari, a renowned sinologist and retired Indian ambassador to China, Professor B. R. Deepak, and Professor Sabaree Mitra. Professor Lokesh Chandra of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations couldn’t attend because of health reasons, but he entrusted Professor Nirmala Sharma to read a letter for the occasion. “The book vividly illustrates the cultural and literature exchange between China and India over the past two millennia,” he wrote. “This history has set a good example for trans-civilizational exchange around the world. Each library and educated family in India should have a copy of this book."


Translator B.R. Deepak, a professor at Nehru University and a renowned sinologist and Indian translator, expressed agreement with Ji Xianlin’s opinion on civilization communication in an interview with Phoenix Satellite Television. “It is the responsibility of Chinese and Indian scholars to enhance mankind’s cultural and social progress in ways that benefit more regions by promoting the cultural exchange between countries.”

《中外文学交流史·中国-印度卷》和英文版《China and India: Dialogue of Civilizations》将中印文明交流的焦距拉远至两千多年的文明往来,以更宽广的视野来看待历史,借古鉴今,延续文明对话,不仅有学术价值,更有助于向国际社会,尤其是东西方学术界传播中印源远流长的文学和文化交流,对促进“一带一路”文化交流民心相通、构建人类命运共同体具有积极意义。

Both the English and Chinese versions of China and India: Dialogue of Civilizations cover China-India cultural interaction across 2,000 years, providing a broader view of the history. Leveraging history to enhance understanding today, the book is of great academic value and can help the international community, Eastern and Western academic circles in particular, better understand the time-honored history of China-India cultural exchange and play a more positive role in boosting people-to-people bonds in the Belt and Road countries and building a global community with a shared future.


China and India: Dialogue of Civilizations

郁龙余 刘朝华著



by Yu Longyu and Liu Chaohua

Shandong Education Press

December 2015


The author is the deputy editor-in-chief of Shandong Education Press.


This article is exclusive to China-India Dialogue. Feel free to share this article. To reprint this article, please contact us for permission.

China India Dialogue


审校|乔振祺 赵月



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