
句句精辟哲理的句子 选一句送给自己!

时间:2023-11-03 03:34:02


句句精辟哲理的句子 选一句送给自己!

一、坏的东西不一定都是糟粕,好的东西却大都需要沉淀的时间。“慢一点”不是让你在一件事上拖延,而是尽所能做好现在的事。当下没有选择时,不必拿望远镜窥探别人的成功。专注当下,比对手多点用心,这样的“慢”是为了未来更扎实。Bad things are not necessarily dross, but good things mostly need time to precipitate. Slow down is not about procrastinating on one thing, it"s about doing what you can now. When there is no choice, there is no need to peep through the telescope at the success of others. Focus on the present and be more attentive than your opponent. This "slow" is for the future to be more solid.

二、你现在的生活也许不是你想要的,但绝对是你自找的。世界上100%的抱怨都可以用这句话来回答。时光流逝,讨厌的人会带着讨人厌的话离开,喜欢的人会带着美好的事到来。把目光放在远处,洒脱还给自己。忘掉路人,放过自己。Your present life may not be what you want, but it"s absolutely what you ask for. 100% of the world"s complaints can be answered in this sentence. As time goes by, disgusting people will leave with disgusting words, and like people will come with good things. Put your eyes in the distance and give yourself free and easy. Forget the passers-by and let go of yourself.

三、有谁的笑会笑出了泪水,有谁的哭会哭出了笑容。多么希望有一天突然惊醒,似乎自己是在学校课桌上睡着了,现在经历的一切都是一场梦,桌上满是你的口水。你告诉同桌,说做了一个好长好长的梦。同桌骂你白痴,叫你好好听课。你看着窗外的风景,一切都那么熟悉,一切还充满希望。who laughs will laugh tears, who cry will cry a smile. How I wish I could wake up suddenly one day, as if I had fallen asleep on the school desk. Now everything I have experienced is a dream, and the desk is full of your saliva. You told your deskmate that you had a long dream. My deskmate scolded you for being an idiot and told you to listen to the class well. You look out of the window at the scenery, everything is so familiar, everything is still full of hope.

四、 病了,一个人扛;烦了,一个人藏;痛了,一个人挡;街上,一个人逛;路上,一个人想;晚上,一个人的床……慢慢地习惯了一个人的生活,变得沉默、变得冷落、没了想理、不想说、不想看……我不是高傲,也不是胡闹,只是厌倦了那些随时可能失去的依靠。sick, a person carrying; bored, a person hiding; pain, a person blocking; the street, a person shopping; on the road, a person thinking; at night, a person"s bed…… Slowly accustomed to a person"s life, become silent, become cold, unreasonable, do not want to say, do not want to see…… I"m not arrogant, I"m not fooling around, I"m just tired of the dependence that I may lose at any time.

五、走过春夏秋冬,走过风霜雪雨;走过坎坷不平;相信你一定会遇见鲜花和掌声;遇见温暖和感动;遇见更加优秀的自己。因为风雨人生路,每一步都算数!总有风起的早晨,总有绚丽的黄昏。逝去的已是曾经,那是回不去的风景。has gone through spring, summer, autumn and winter, through the wind, frost, snow and rain; through rough and rough; I believe you will meet flowers and applause; meet warmth and touching; meet better self. Every step counts because of the wind and rain of life. There are always windy mornings and gorgeous dusks. The past is the past, it is the scenery that can not be returned.

六、 繁华落尽,一切都是过眼云烟!把握自己,活在当下,开心过好每一天。你笑,全世界都跟着笑;你哭,全世界就你一人哭。生命不是用来较劲的,而是认识自己,接受瑕疵,超越自己的过程。flourishing, everything is passing! Grasp yourself, live in the present and enjoy every day. When you laugh, the whole world laughs; when you cry, the whole world cries. Life is not a struggle, but a process of knowing oneself, accepting flaws and surpassing oneself.

七、逝去的岁月,就让它随着这五月离去吧,让它带走你的哀伤、你的忧愁,然后在六月的开始,收拾好心情再出发!去寻找那个有他还有梦想的地方!"s passing years, let it go with this May, let it take away your sadness, your sorrow, and then in June, pack up the mood and start again! Find the place where he still has his dream!

八、从未得到和得而复失,确实我还是相信长久的感情,我如果实在忧患这个问题,就会找个和我相似的人,我的自恋情结比较严重,应该很难厌烦就那样吧。为什么不选择放下,为什么不原谅自己?如果你愿意,一切都可以。Never get and get and lose again, indeed I still believe in long-term feelings, if I really worry about this problem, I will find a similar person, my narcissism complex is more serious, it should be very difficult to bore it. Why don"t you choose to put it down? Why don"t you forgive yourself? Everything is OK if you like.

九、你要做一件事情,会有人泼冷水。你做成了一件事情,会有人唱反调。你做好了一件事情,会有人说你靠运气。碌碌无为者最安全,无所事事者爱嘲笑。别把糖果撒给路人、枪口对准家人,受得了你脾气的都是爱你的人!You have to do one thing, someone will throw cold water. If you do something, someone will sing the opposite tune. You"ve done one thing, and someone will say that you depend on luck. He who does nothing is the safest, and he who does nothing likes to laugh. Don"t throw candy to passers-by and shoot at your family. Those who can stand your temper are those who love you!

十、做事业都是熬出来的,60%的人连一个月都熬不过、30%的人熬不过三个月、5%的人熬不过半年、4%的人熬不过1年、只有1%的人会坚持到最后,要做1%里的人就要像傻瓜一样的坚持,才会有不同的结果。"s work is done out, 60% of people can"t survive a month, 30% can"t survive three months, 5% can"t survive half a year, 4% can"t survive a year, only 1% will persist to the end, to do 1% of people will have to persist like a fool, will have different results.

十一、打着天真的名号,干着阴险的事情,亏我真心待你,用计之术,着实佩服。我不是一个坚强的人,但是我知道,有些时候,除了坚强,别无选择。is in the name of naivety, doing sinister things, thanks to my sincere treatment of you, using tactics, really admire. I am not a strong person, but I know that sometimes, there is no choice but to be strong. If

十二、如果有了真心喜欢的另一半,请不要玩恋爱心理,太累人,请对对方体贴、关怀,请一定不要花心,如果看到或听到对方的花心,任何一个有爱的人都是难以接受的,除非是看不到或不爱对方,就不会有伤痛。has a loved one, please don"t play with love psychology, too tired, please be considerate and caring to the other, please do not spend heart, if you see or hear the other party"s flower heart, any loved person is difficult to accept, unless you can not see or love the other party, there will be no pain.

十三、该舍就舍去,舍去了乌云密布的阴雨天,才会看到彩虹挂的蔚蓝的天空,舍去了下雪天,才能感受到阳光的温暖。会闻到芳草的清香,听到动人的音乐。abandoned the house, abandoned the cloudy rainy day, will see the rainbow hanging blue sky, abandoned the snowy day, can feel the warmth of the sun. I can smell the fragrance of herbs and hear moving music.

十四、人生无常,心安便是归处。人生之路并非只有坦途,也有不少崎岖与坎坷,甚至会有一时难以跨越的沟坎儿。在这样的紧要关头我们只有一种选择:再向前跨出一步!尽管可能非常艰难,但请相信:只要坚持下去,你的人生会无比绚丽!life is changeable, peace of mind is where to go. Life is not only a smooth road, but also a lot of rough and bumpy, and even there will be some difficult to cross the ditch. At such a critical juncture, we have only one choice: to take another step forward! Although it may be very difficult, please believe: as long as you persist, your life will be extremely brilliant!

十五、可不可以不想你,我反复问自己,虽只有片刻分离,却荡起无数涟漪,想念的甜蜜,在心里回忆,一个声音响起:我爱你!can not miss you, I repeatedly asked myself, although only a moment apart, but there are numerous ripples, sweet miss, in my heart, a voice rings: I love you! The responsibilities and mission of

十六、医者所背负的责任与使命是旁人看不到的,就算持续的高压与忙碌,他们都会坚守在岗位上不忘初心,而陆晨曦也将这恰到好处地诠释了。doctors are invisible to others. Even if they are constantly under high pressure and busy, they will stick to their posts and never forget their first thoughts. Lu Chenxi also explains this appropriately.

十七、择其所爱,爱其所择,前四个字是前半生,后四个字,便是余下的岁月了。这一场凄凉的雨,打落了多少枯黄的叶,这一个凄清的夜,又忧伤了几人寂寞的心。Choose what he loves and love what he chooses. The first four words are the first half of his life, and the last four words are the rest of his life. How many withered and yellow leaves have fallen in this bleak rain, and how many lonely hearts have been grieved in this bleak night.

十八、即使再清澈的水,如果在一个杯子里不停地摇晃,它都不会清澈;即使再浑浊的水,如果静静地放着,也自然会变得清澈。我们的心也是如此,如果你没有给它时间去沉淀,而总是摇晃不停,那它就会处在一种浑浊的状态。will not be clear even if the water is still clear, if it shakes constantly in a cup; even if the water is still turbid, it will become clear naturally. The same is true of our heart. If you don"t give it time to settle down, but always shake, it will be in a state of turbidity.

十九、懂得欣赏自己的生活,才能让自己活得随心所欲。一个人活在世上,必须有自己真正爱好的事情,才会活得有意思。这爱好完全是出于他的真性情的,而不是为了某种外在的利益,例如金钱、名声之类。他喜欢做这件事情,只是他被事情的美好所吸引。knows how to appreciate their own life, so that they can live as they please. A person living in the world must have something he really likes to do in order to live interestingly. This hobby is entirely based on his true nature, not for some external interests, such as money, fame and so on. He likes to do it, but he is attracted by the beauty of it.

二十、生活如一把匕首,我们一直握着它,但随时刺中的,却总是自己的心脏。以平常之心,接受已发生的事。很多事,你越是想去弄个明白,反而越是困惑,心中有了执念,凡事顺其自然就好。既来之,则安之,这才是生存之道。"s life is like a dagger. We hold it all the time, but when we stab it at any time, it"s always our heart. Accept what has happened with an ordinary heart. Many things, the more you want to find out, the more confused you are, the more persistent you have in mind, the better everything goes as it is. If it comes, it"s safe. That"s the way to survive.

  1. 光逝2024-01-20 23:26光逝[辽宁省网友]
  2. 风中尘埃2023-12-12 13:30风中尘埃[吉林省网友]
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