
走进你心里的干净利索的短句 值得感悟 细细品味

时间:2023-10-06 04:04:01


走进你心里的干净利索的短句 值得感悟 细细品味

1. 是不是觉得没有什么难过的事情但是还是会觉得好累?你可以很累,但是千万不要颓废。

Do you think there is nothing sad, but you still feel tired? You can be very tired, but don"t be decadent.

2. 即使生活有一千个理由让你哭, 你也要找到一个理由让自己笑,因为这就是人生, 我们能做的只是让自己更坚强,成为更好的自己。

Even if life has a thousand reasons for you to cry, you have to find a reason to laugh, because this is life. All we can do is to make ourselves stronger and become better ourselves.

3. 拥有了成熟就不再会有天真,拥有了喧嚣的城市就会失去寂静的乡村,拥有了小溪的清澈就会失去大海的磅礴。人的一生在渴望中度过,又在得失之间平衡;得之是幸,失之是命,一切皆应随缘。

With maturity, there will be no innocence. With noisy city, there will be no quiet countryside. With clear stream, there will be no majestic sea. A person"s life is spent in yearning, and balanced between gain and loss; gain is luck, loss is life, and everything should go with fate.

4. 任何你的不足,在你成功的那刻,都会被人说为特色。所以,坚持做你自己。

Any of your shortcomings, at the moment of your success, will be said to be characteristic. So stick to being yourself.

5. 去经历,去做你想做的,去选你爱的,而不是别人眼里正确的,你的一辈子应该为自己而活。

To experience, to do what you want to do, to choose what you love instead of what is right in other people"s eyes, you should live for yourself all your life.

6. 生活越是艰苦,人就越发坚强;人越是坚强,生活也就变得越发简单。

The harder the life is, the stronger the man is; the stronger the man is, the simpler the life becomes.

7. 比我差的人还没放弃,比我好的人仍在努力,我就更没资格说,我无能为力。

People who are worse than me have not given up, and people who are better than me are still working hard, so I am not qualified to say that I can do nothing.

8. 想得太多会毁了你,想一千次不如去做一次,现在立刻行动。努力工作,关心身体和心情,成为最好的自己。

Thinking too much will ruin you. It"s better to do it once than once a thousand times. Now act immediately. Work hard, care about your body and mood, and be the best you can be.

9. 没有人会一直顺利,愿你更加强大,然后有一天,你可以笑着讲述那些曾让你哭的瞬间。

No one will go well all the time. May you be stronger. Then one day, you can laugh and tell about the moments that made you cry.

10. 假如你不够快乐,也不要把眉头紧锁,人生本来短暂为什么还要栽培苦涩。

If you are not happy enough, don"t lock your brows. Life is short. Why should you cultivate bitterness.

11. 不管脚步有多慢都不要紧,只要你在走,总会看到进步。

No matter how slow the pace is, it doesn"t matter. As long as you are walking, you will always see progress.

12. 如果你无法忘掉,那你就不会有一个更好的明天。

If you can"t forget, you won"t have a better tomorrow.



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