
总有些句子让你瞬间流泪 那些充满遗憾的句子 句句悲情

时间:2023-07-27 03:49:01


总有些句子让你瞬间流泪 那些充满遗憾的句子 句句悲情


I have become your stranger now. I must be humble and prudent. I must be clear about things. I can no longer be chaotic and free. I am indifferent and cold. My loneliness fills my life with haze. I wish you happiness in the sun!


I also want to turn the three things into three things, and even want you to be my possession, but your love for me is so conservative. We have known each other for a long time, and there is no harvest of love at first sight, and all the thoughts have become nothing. You also don"t want me to have it to you. I saw that you are writing some fudges to me every day. Whether this kind of chasing is considered to be love, I am not your existence at all, just the virtual love of the game!


You know that I am a rough person. I admit that I have done nothing about your three-nothingness, but I have not got a definite affirmation in front of you. I am very sensitive to the opposite sex, and I never comb through the ambiguity. I want to be responsible and accountable to you. I have my principles. There is also the misunderstanding caused by your jealous and distrustful factors. How much I care about you and how afraid of losing you!


Sorry, I left you in the cold, let down you, and solemnly apologize to you. In fact, you have a very high quality, strong appeal and strong gravity, perseverance, perseverance, and many excellent places. It is worth learning and advocating, but I am ashamed. But I still hope you can forgive me: can we start again?


For your turning around and smiling to leave, I don’t want you to have a heartache, but I’ve broken my heart. Every time you have to leave me, this time I’ll let you go back to the crowd and give up on you. At the same time, love is also sealed!


Apart from my heart moving to you, I don"t have any stories about others at all. Everything is over. If I tell you too much, it"s a joke. Let the world testify!


For so many years, for the frank and persistent love for you, don"t say thank you, you should also feel that no one can replace love for you.


There are no three things in our lives. We will contact you as long as we find you. As long as I see your message, I will give you a thumbs up. There are at least five or six messages a day, except for not making a call. Besides, it has everything, sorry, I don’t have your phone number!

  1. 煜幽桐2023-10-29 23:29煜幽桐[江西省网友]
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早安优美的语录句子 发朋友圈的早安图片



长歌行:乐嫣被找到 皓都激动流泪 说的第一句话暴露悲情结局

长歌行:乐嫣被找到 皓都激动流泪 说的第一句话暴露悲情结局



今年微信最悲情伤感的一句话说说 句句虐心 不知不觉就流泪了!

今年微信最悲情伤感的一句话说说 句句虐心 不知不觉就流泪了!



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看了忍不住流泪的句子 句句刺痛你心 现实又扎心

