
第五十弹‖哲理正能量句子:没什么不好 不好的也会变好。


Running water does not fight for the first, but talks —接受普通,努力出众

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Running water does not fight for the first, but talks.


Accept the common and strive to be outstanding.


There"s nothing bad about it, and the bad will get better.


What you don"t try to hear is always good news from others.


Along the way, maybe no one is optimistic about you, maybe someone persuades you to give up, maybe you love the meaning of life, but only your heart is the most clear, your persistence, irreplaceable.


If you think you can"t, you can walk on the road, so you become a pedestrian.


People who are content with the status quo will be trampled on the bottom of their feet.


There is no road in life, every step counts.


The furthest distance in the world is not love, not hate, but the familiar people, who gradually become strange. Although the best time is always very short, I will remember all the touched moments.


The road we are taking now is always from seeking to not starting.


You are you. You don"t have to prove to anyone who you are.


Every day I get tired and depressed, but I still fight. Because I know that only by striving for a better place can I meet a better you.




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