
活用释义技能训练 增加学生的词汇量和语言知识

时间:2023-06-01 06:56:01

活用释义技能训练 增加学生的词汇量和语言知识



How can a teacher get students to show true comprehension of a written text, rather than answer questions with mere repetition of words from the original? This is a difficulty for the teacher because many English as a foreign language (EFL) learners have little or no anglophone cultural background. They need three prerequisites in order to achieve and demonstrate real comprehension:


sufficient vocabulary(足够的词汇量)general world-context knowledge(世界局势常识)mental agility(思维敏捷性)

It’s possible that none of these have been acquired—especially by younger learners. How can learners be taught all three in a time-efficient way? English-language courses can vary in length and intensiveness, but no course can give EFL learners the years of immersion in the anglophone language and cultural context that they have missed. One way to tackle the challenge is to focus systematically on paraphrasing itself, as a skill to be learned and practiced.





Paraphrasing is a productive exercise for students at the intermediate level because it develops capability in both directions: the cognitive capability to comprehend and the linguistic capability to express ideas autonomously—that is, without needing to copy from the original. Along the way, students acquire knowledge of new lexical items, intensively, in a meaningful context.


However, for students at this level, paraphrasing is a difficult and high-level skill. How can we get them to acquire and practice using it?


There is no short path to the goal of building up the necessary cultural background knowledge and world-context perspective that nonnative-speaker learners lack. One effective method is to use quality resources carefully chosen to be relatable for the age group, in a cycle of the patient and regular exposure, discussion, and explanation.


To implement this idea, I developed an interactive paraphrasing game that I use for a portion of every lesson, usually as a warm-up activity. The game has three levels: single words, then single sentences, and finally paragraphs. It can be played orally or with written responses. The content focus and the difficulty level can be controlled by the teacher, according to the students’ level of English.


The game is adaptable and extensible. It requires the teacher to prepare a model answer paraphrase for each item of the target text, and this takes some time and effort.


The regular use of the game format provides an opportunity to practice comprehension, to build content-area knowledge, and to develop higher-level vocabulary and thinking skills.


Here is the game setup, in a nutshell. The text items that you use in the game can be taken from your course’s content area, from the set text for your class at the time, from contemporary news stories, or from out-of-copyright children’s literature.


A useful source is a website of the Full-Text Archive (www.fulltextarchive.com/), which has a large library of downloadable children’s classics in PDF or e-book format. It is from there that I took the text of The Wonderful Wizard of Ozby L. Frank Baum, which I used for some of the examples in the tables below.

推荐一个实用的资源网站:Full-Text Archive,它有一个可下载电子书格式的大型儿童经典文学图书馆。作者将以来自此网站的L. Frank Baum所著《绿野仙踪》一书作为示例,阐述以下活动步骤。




A note on the game name: it’s an anagram of “Reword it,” itself a paraphrase of the instruction “Paraphrase it.”关于游戏名称的说明:这是一个“改写它”的字谜游戏,名称本身是“释义它”这一指令的意译。

Instructions for students


The game has three levels, of increasing difficulty. It starts with single words (Level One), progresses to single sentences (Level Two), and finally moves to short texts, but not longer than a paragraph (Level Three).


In groups of three, players identify themselves as Player A, Player B, and Player T (Timekeeper and Evaluator).


Player A will read or speak a short text.玩家A将会读或说一段小短文。 Player B has to paraphrase Player A’s prompt within a specified time. For Level One, the time limit is 30 seconds; for Level Two, it is one minute; and for Level Three, it is three minutes. In Level Three, Player B is allowed to make notes.玩家B必须在指定时间内(用英文)释义玩家A所读的文本。第一级的时限是30秒;第二级的时限是1分钟;第三级的时限是3分钟。在第三级释义时,玩家B可以做笔记。 Player T has the task, apart from calling “Halt” when time is up, of deciding how close Player B’s paraphrase came to the meaning of the original and how much of it was not copied or repeated but properly paraphrased. Player T gives points for Player B’s performance.玩家T的任务除了在时间结束时叫停之外,还包括判断玩家B的释义与原文的意思是否相近,以及有多少内容不是重复原文,并且是被正确地释义出来的。玩家T根据玩家B的表现给出分数。 The teacher can keep score, or with larger classes, the students in each group keep track of their scores.教师可以记录下分数,或者在班级较大的情况下,每组的学生记录下他们的分数。 Rotate the roles and repeat until all three players have played all three parts.轮换角色并重复,直到三个玩家都扮演完过这三个角色。

Tables 1, 2, and 3 show sample prompts and possible valid responses for Levels One, Two, and Three, respectively.




This is a fun game, and it is challenging, too. Your students will enjoy playing the paraphrasing game, and you can expect them to plunge into it with enthusiasm. The individual performances may vary in fluency and accuracy, but with an overall rising trend in successful paraphrasing over time.


Achieving vocabulary expansion and improvement of world-context knowledge is a slow and necessarily incremental process. I have seen evidence from students’ responses that they notched up a couple of increments with each round of the paraphrasing game. To consolidate the learning, I asked students to take notes on new lexical items after class. Where necessary, you can interpolate mini-explanations of cultural- context and world-knowledge references.


This regular activity on the skill of paraphrasing helped me enormously in my dual aim of (a) getting to know the specific gaps in my students’ knowledge of English words, phrases, and usage and (b) helping them to go beyond mimetism and thus achieve greater relative autonomy as language users.


  1. 流云飘散2023-10-04 17:17流云飘散[广东省网友]