

时间:2023-06-01 04:40:01





1.(4分)A one﹣day trip around Daoxian

(1)How will you go to Chen Shuxiang Memorial Museum for sightseeing?

A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By bike.

(2)Where is a ticket needed?

A.At Chen Shuxiang Memorial Museum.

B.At Xizhou Park.

C.At Lianxi Native Place.

2.(6分)Many people like spring because they can go out and do many kinds of activities.We made a survey about the activities that people like to do in spring.Here are the results.

(1)What did Scott do last spring?

A.Enjoying the beach.

B.Going boating.

C.Going fishing.

(2)Who likes going to the beach?

A.Scott and Nancy.

B.Nancy and James.

C.James and Scott.

(3)How long has James learnt swimming?

A.For five years.

B.For seven years.

C.For twelve years.

3.(10分)An old man went to his doctor and said, "I don"t think my wife"s hearing is as good as it used to be,what should I do?" The doctor replied,stand fifteen feet behind her and ask her a question.

If she doesn"t respond(回应),keep moving closer, "What"s for dinner,honey?" No response.He moved to ten feet behind her and asked again,no answer.Finally he stood directly behind her and said, "Honey, "For the fourth time,I SAID FISH!"

(1)Why did the old man go to his doctor?

A.To test his hearing problem.

B.To tell his doctor his hearing problem.

C.To tell his doctor his wife"s hearing problem.

(2)What did the doctor advise the man to do?

A.Cook dinner for his wife.

B.Test his wife"s hearing.

C.Ask how his wife felt.

(3)What was the man"s wife doing when he got home?

A.Asking questions.

B.Preparing supper.

C.Waiting for him.

(4)How many times has the man asked the same question?




(5)According to the passage,who has a hearing problem?

A.The man.

B.The doctor.

C.The man"s wife.

4.(10分)Alice is only 6 years old.She comes from the USA.She is very brave and smart.

Alice woke up at 4 o"clock last Sunday morning.Suddenly,she smelled something strange.She looked around and found that the kitchen was on fire.Her parents were still sleeping.She went to wake them up as quickly as she could.Then,she made a phone call to the fire station.At that time(毛巾)out of the washroom.

And then he asked Alice and her mother to cover their mouths and noses with the wet towels,lie down on the floor and wait for the firefighters (消防员),the firefighters arrived.They put out the fire in time.

"My daughter did what I taught her.She kept calm(平静的)and was brave when she found the fire.She saved the lives of our family.She is really great.We"re proud of her." said Alice"s father.Now,Alice is a heroine (女英雄)

(1)Which country does Alice come from?




(2)Which place of Alice"s home was on fire?

A.The kitchen.

B.The bedroom.

C.The living room.

(3)What were her parents doing when Alice found the fire?

A.They were calling.

B.They were sleeping.

C.They were wetting the towels.

(4)Who put the fire out finally?

A.The parents.


C.The firefighters.

(5)What can we infer(推断) from the last paragraph?

A.The father didn"t teach his daughter about the fire.

B.The girl used her knowledge about the fire wisely.

C.Alice is a heroine in many people"s heart.

5.(10分)I have always had a love for traveling abroad.Last year,I took a trip to London alone.Those nights,I stayed in a youth hostel(青年旅社),hostels are places where I can meet and talk to different people.It is great fun for me.During the stay in the hostel,I met two girls(律师).She helped people solve their family problems.

She was taking a trip to Europe all by herself .The girl from Slovakia had much interest in photography.Because I was also a photography fan,we ended up talking all night and sharing experience in using a camera.

The best part is that they both became close friends of mine.Even now,sometimes we still talk with each other online.Last month,I got some photos from the Brazilian girl.To my surprise,you have someone caring about you in the other side of the world.And I think that is the most amazing part of traveling.

(1)What does the writer love doing?

A.Making troubles.

B.Travelling abroad.

C.Helping others.

(2)What does the underlined word "photography" mean in the first paragraph?




(3)What does the girl from Brazil do?

A.A lawyer.

B.A teacher.

C.A photographer.

(4)Which of the followings is true?

A.The three girls are all interested in photography.

B.The three girls became good friends at last.

C.The writer likes to remember her friends from far away.

(5)What is the most amazing part of traveling?

A.Making close friends.

B.Taking beautiful photos.

C.Visiting many places of interest.


6.(10分)Our parents are important people in our life.They are our first teachers in our life.They love us and help us all the time. (1) Here are some ways to help you to be happy with your parents.


How much time do you spend just enjoying being with each other?Ask your parents to play with you.Go outside together ,try some sports,or go to the movies.

Be Kind

(3) Make a meal for them by yourself and that can make your parents happy.

Ask for help

When you are in trouble or meet some sad things,you can ask your parents for help and advice. (4)


You don"t have to be the best but you need to have a try.They will be happy to see you have the courage to achieve your dream.It lets them know they"re doing a good job in helping you grow up.


7.(10分)One day a rich boy bought a magic mirror (镜子).When he got home,he(1) in the mirror.His face looked sad.He tried to smile and make funny(2) ,but his face looked still sad.Then he did many happy things,(3) his face always looked sad.

"Oh,what a terrible mirror!It doesn"t work! " he said(4) .

The next day on his way to buy some chocolate,he saw a little(5) crying sadly.The rich boy went up to her and asked what had happened.The little girl said she couldn"t find her (6) ."Don"t worry.I"ll help you," the rich boy said.So they went to(7) them together.Finally they found her parents.

They were so(8) for his help.After the rich boy arrived home,he looked in the mirror as usual.To his(9) ,his face looked very happy.The boy understood the magic of the mirror.The mirror could(10) the true feelings of its owner.This was true—the rich boy had helped that little girl so he felt really happy.


8.(1分)Mario loves animals wants to be an animal doctor.

9.(1分)I"m always ready (help) others.

10.(1分)Every year,many (visit) come to Hangzhou.

11.(1分)The Monkey King (excite) the children of China for many years.

12.(1分)The Nile is ( long) river in the world.

13.(1分)France is a (Europe) country.

14.(1分)You can also give old things away to people need.

15.(1分)This is ( we ) classroom with bright windows.

16.(1分)The P.E.class ( be) our favorite class.

17.(1分)Ben Smith has had a "dog helper" because of Miss Li"s ( kind ).


18.(10分)I come from Cambridge,a beautiful city in the east of England.It is on the River Cam and has a population of about 120,000.My home town is especially famous for its university.Many famous people studied here

Cambridge is 80 kilometers from London.London is in the south of England and it is on the River Thames.It has a population of about seven and a half million,so it is bigger and busier than Cambridge.It is about 2,000 years old,Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge.

England itself is part of an island,and you are always near the sea.The small villages and beaches on the coast are popular for holidays.Tourists like the areas of low mountains and beautiful lakes in the north,and the hills and pretty villages in the south.Everywhere in England

It is never very hot in summer or very cold in winter.So come and see England any time of the year,but bring an umbrella with you.It rains a lot all year round.You will need it most days.

(1)What is the population of Cambridge?

(2)How do students and tourists enjoy trips along the river?

(3)How far is Cambridge from London?

(4)Does it often rain in England?

(5)What do tourists like in the south of England?


19.(8分)Today is our Open Day. (1)Our parents come and visit our school on this day.Our school looks beautiful.(2)操场非常大。Our classrooms are clean and bright.There are 18 classrooms in the classroom building ,and my classroom is on the ground floor.We also have an art room,a music room and two computer rooms.

Our library is new and modern .(3)There are lots of books in it.We often go there in the afternoon.We also have a school hall .(4)我们常常在那儿开会。Our school is really nice.We all love it.







20.(12分)你通常怎样度过自己的闲暇时间呢?请根据下面表格提示,以"My free time activities"为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,可适当发挥。




(1)B.根据"Transportation:By bus"可知乘公共汽车去陈树香纪念馆观光。故选B。

(2)C.根据"Lianxi Native Place:40 yuan(ticket included)"可知在Lianxi Native Place买票。故选C。

2.解答:(1)B.细节理解题。根据Last spring my uncle and I went boating.可知。所以去年春天斯科特去划船

(2)A.归纳总结题。根据Scott .I also like boating and enjoy the beach.可知,我也喜欢划船和享受海滩,南希。我喜欢春天。所以斯科特和南希喜欢去海滩

(3)A.推理判断题。根据James I am twelve years old.My favorite spring activity is swimming.I started to learn swimming when I was seven years old.可知。我最喜欢的春季活动是游泳。所以詹姆斯学游泳五年了

3.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据文中An old man went to his doctor and said,what should I do,向医生征求建议。

(2)B.细节理解题。根据文中The doctor replied,stand fifteen feet behind her and ask her a question.If she doesn"t respond(回应),asking the question until she hears you." ,故选:B。

(3)B.细节理解题。根据文中The man went home and saw his wife preparing dinner.可知当老人回家的时候,故选:B。

(4)C.细节理解题。根据文中She said,I SAID FISH,故选:C。

(5)A.推理判断题。根据文中An old man went to his doctor and said,what should I do?" , "Try this test to find out for sure…及She said,I SAID FISH,医生建议他回家测试下妻子的听力,结果最后妻子告诉老人她已经回答了他4次,故选:A。

4.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据文中She comes from the USA.可知爱丽丝来自美国。

(2)A.细节理解题。根据文中She looked around and found that the kitchen was on fire.可知爱丽丝家的厨房着火了。

(3)B.细节理解题。根据文中Her parents were still sleeping.可知当爱丽丝发现火灾的时候,故选:B。

(4)C.细节理解题。根据文中Several minutes later,故选:C。

(5)B.推理判断题。根据文中最后一段"My daughter did what I taught her.She kept calm(平静的)and was brave when she found the fire.She saved the lives of our family.She is really great.We"re proud of her." said Alice"s father.可知爱丽丝的爸爸曾教过她当发生火灾时该怎么办,由此可推测出爱丽丝明智地运用了所学的关于火灾的知识,故选:B。

5.解答:(1)B.细节理解题。根据文中I have always had a love for traveling abroad.可知作者喜欢去国外旅行。

(2)C.词义猜测题。根据文中Because I was also a photography fan,由此可推测出photography表示摄影。

(3)A.细节理解题。根据文中The girl from Brazil was actually a lawyer(律师).可知来自巴西的女孩是一名律师。

(4)B.细节理解题。根据文中The best part is that they both became close friends of mine.Even now,即使到现在有时候她们还在网上聊天。

(5)A.细节理解题。根据文中And it"s such a great thing to know that there are people remembering you from far away.Though you may just meet each other for a few hours,分开后大家彼此之间还在联系,关心着你,因此可知作者觉得结交亲密的朋友是旅行中最令人惊喜的部分。


(1)D.根据后句"Here are some ways to help you to be happy with your parents.这里有一些方法可以帮助你和父母在一起快乐。"可知说的是和父母在一起快乐的方法,应说但是你想和他们和睦相处吗。

(2)B.根据后句"How much time do you spend just enjoying being with each other?Ask your parents to play with you.Go outside together ,or go to the movies.你花了多少时间来享受和彼此在一起的时光。一起出去,或者去看电影,结合选项。故选B。

(3)E.根据后句"Make a meal for them by yourself and that can make your parents happy.自己为他们做一顿饭,这样可以让你的父母高兴,结合选项。故选E。

(4)F.根据前句"When you are in trouble or meet some sad things,you can ask your parents for help and advice.当你遇到困难或是一些悲伤的事情时。"可知说的是帮助你,应说他们会很乐意听你说话。故选F。

(5)A.根据后句"You don"t have to be the best but you need to have a try.你不必是最好的,但你需要尝试一下,结合选项。故选A。

7.解答:(1)C 动词辨析,B喊,根据下句His looked ,应该是照镜子。

(2)C 名词辨析,B便条,根据后面but face still ,可知他试着微笑,故答案是C。

(3)C 连词辨析,B但是,根据然后他做了很多开心的事。表转折。

(4)A 副词辨析,B开心地,根据上句It work! " ,可知是生气地说。

(5)B 名词辨析,B女孩,根据下文The girl ,故答案是B。

(6)A 名词辨析,B祖父母,根据下文her ,故答案是A。

(7)A 短语辨析,B照顾,根据上文小女孩和父母走散了,故答案是A。

(8)C 形容词辨析,B可怕的,根据小女孩和父母走散了,父母肯定是非常感恩。

(9)C 名词辨析,B伤心,根据下句his looked happy他的脸看起来很高兴,故答案是C。

(10)B 动词辨析,B展示,根据上文可知他明白了镜子可以显示主人的真实感受。

8.解答:根据Mario loves animals"马里奥热爱动物",及wants to be an animal doctor"......想成为一名动物医生"可知。


9.解答:be ready to do sth"准备好做某事"固定搭配,to后跟动词原形help"帮助"。

故答案为:to help。



11.解答:根据for many years"很多年了"可知,现在完成时态。主语The Monkey King第三人称单数。excite的过去分词是excited"使兴奋"。

故答案为:has excited。

12.解答:根据in the world"在世界上"可知,三者以上比较。

故答案为:the longest。


根据France is country,这里修饰名词country.European,欧洲的.


故答案为 in。


故答案为 our。

16.解答:根据语境"这堂体育课_____我们最喜欢的课",由The ,考虑用提示词的过去式形式。

故答案为 was。

17.解答:根据语境:因为李小姐的______,本史密斯有了一个"狗帮手" Li"s考虑用提示词的名词形式。

故答案为 kindness。



(2)By boat.细节理解题。根据Students and tourists enjoy trips along the river by boat.可知。故答案为By boat.

(3)80km.细节理解题。根据Cambridge is 80 kilometers from London.可知。故答案为80km.

(4)Yes,it does.细节判断题。,一年四季都下雨,it does.

(5)The hills and pretty villages.细节理解题。根据Tourists like the areas of low mountains and beautiful lakes in the north,游客喜欢北部的低山和美丽的湖泊。所以英国南部的游客喜欢群山和美丽的村庄

19.解答:(1)在这天我们的父母会来参观我们的学校。英译汉;come and visit our school翻译为"会来参观我们的学校"。根据翻译习惯。故填:在这天我们的父母会来参观我们的学校。

(2)The playground is very big.汉译英。操场"the playground",陈述事实要用一般现在时

(3)在图书馆里有很多书。英译汉;lots of books翻译为"很多书"。根据翻译习惯。故填:在图书馆里有很多书。

(4)We often have meetings there.汉译英。我们"we";开会"have meetings",描述经常发生的动作要用一般现在时



Idomanythingsinmyfreetime.(点题)I take exercise after school every day.It is a good way to keep healthy and study better. 【高分句型一】I listen to music once or twice a week.It can help me to relax.I go to the library to read books two ,I go outside to the park.It can help me take in some fresh air.(具体介绍活动)

  1. 琦烟2023-12-06 15:34琦烟[湖南省网友]
  2. 若守,不若。2023-09-03 10:07若守,不若。[吉林省网友]


分析毕节近8年2013~2020中考书面表达的命题形式可知,针对此话题,共考查过1次:2017年书面表达B要求以A Person I Want to Thank为题,介绍你最想感谢的人




