
朋友圈引人深思的唯美句子 经典恒久 充满睿智


Have a longing thought 愿天空中所有的流星,为你闪耀在天空May all the meteors in the sky shine in the sky for you遇见你之前,世界

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Have a longing thought.


May all the meteors in the sky shine in the sky for you...


Before I met you, the world was a wasteland. After I met you, the world was a paradise


The past many years, to me like a wisp of smoke, the future of the infinite life, boundless for your happiness.


Wisdom is fate, the exchange of heart will bring us untold romantic feelings


Is a promise, in this world of reincarnation, we will always remember the beautiful love story!


The fire of love burns in our hearts, and we are one.


Love you for a lifetime with you, your heart beats I can only hear.


Your wife follows you, your wife orders you to follow, your wife is wrong and you follow blindly


The wife should wait for makeup, the wife should remember her birthday, the wife should be willing to spend money, and the wife should refrain from bad-mouthing.

深情,烟雨,夫妻圆满,尊敬世人。 祝福酒的美丽,糖的香气,朋友和家人的忙碌。穿着帅气的衣服,化着美丽的妆,郎才女的容貌真的很时尚。

Deep love, misty rain, perfect marriage, respect for the world. Bless the beauty of wine, the fragrance of sugar, and the busy lives of friends and family. Wearing smart clothes and beautiful makeup, the girl looks really fashionable.


Sun Hong, home wang, dragon and phoenix twins are imminent.


Darling, I want to hold you all the time, listen to your breath, feel your fragrance, touch your hair

和你一起品尝爱的甜蜜! 我们永远不要离开,我爱你!

Taste the sweetness of love with you! We"ll never leave, I love you!


You have given me the happiest day of my life and the sorrow of my life.


I long for the happiness you give me, but I don"t want you to hurt me anymore.


If you ever smell a flower, don"t ask me whose flower is red


Know lovers, know the concentration of wine after drunk, flowers bloom, the end is empty


Endless, such as spring breeze and go, the woman is like a flower like a dream.


In the silent night, a person secretly miss you, become my most secret pleasure.

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