
虐心到极致的爱情句子 句句穿心 看完好想哭!


Once people are cold, no matter how many regrets and apologies cant be retrieved, its not that you dont give each other o

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Once people are cold, no matter how many regrets and apologies can"t be retrieved, it"s not that you don"t give each other opportunities, but that you have given so many opportunities, which have not been cherished.


Don"t ask about the scenery that you have passed. When you choose one road, the scenery of the other road has nothing to do with you.


You don"t know when you gave me sugar, someone gave me cake, I didn"t want it. I don"t regret that I didn"t want the cake. What I regret is that I thought this sugar would always be sweet.


It seems that most people now, only shallow like, shallow to quarrel and give up, shallow to do not speak and do not like, shallow to not together on the shape of a stranger.


We are busy with the cold war, quarreling, blaming each other and hurting each other, but we forget our original intention, agreement, oath and hardships along the way.


My pride does not allow me to tell others about this broken day. Only I know that I am different from the past.


If a relationship doesn"t make you a better person, makes you worry about gain and loss, moodiness, it"s a pity that you love the wrong person.


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