
哪句话曾经点醒了你:懂你的人不言而喻 不懂你的人百口莫辩



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A lot of the time that engulfs you is not the stormy waves, on the contrary, it is those ordinary days, "it seems that you don"t have to work too hard, the days can be passed, as if that"s it." Then, one day, the people you love leave you, your parents are seriously ill, and you can"t do anything because of the change of class and some friends. You wake up like a dream

2、这世上有些人,即使你用尽了言语也无法跟他互相理解 即使你跟那个人无法互相理解,那对你的人生也没有任何影响

There are some people in the world who can"t understand each other even if you have exhausted your words. Even if you can"t understand each other with that person, it has no effect on your life


It"s normal that you can"t find your ideal partner. You haven"t become your ideal self, have you

4、没有人会突然不爱你 只是你突然知道而已

No one will suddenly not love you, just you suddenly know


What makes people proud is that they still disdain to be such a person after suffering from dark people and things

6、每个优秀的人,都有一段沉默的时光。 那段时光,是付出了很多努力,却得不到结果的日子,我们把它叫作扎根

Every excellent person has a period of silence. It was a time when many efforts were made but no results were achieved. We call it rooting


One of the secrets of happiness: let go of all expectations

8、工作时认真, 糊涂时看书, 独处时思考, 难过时睡觉

Be serious at work, read when confused, think when alone, and sleep when sad


If everyone understands you, what should you be like


Many things are related to the final acquaintance


Only when a tree grows up to the height he wants, can he know what kind of air is suitable for him


The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, then now


In the age of material desire, clean talents are different

14、玫瑰是带刺的 通往鲜花和掌声的道路上 必定是披荆斩棘的道路

Roses are thorny. The road leading to flowers and applause must be a road through thorns


Some people hate for no reason. They are mediocre, lack of talent and mediocrity, so your excellence, your talent, your kindness and happiness are all original sins

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