
百里挑一的心酸短句 字字扎心 值得深思


I want you to go, but I cant 如果qq增加了新功能,可以看到别人对自己的评论,那么很多人可能就不浪漫了

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I want you to go, but I can"t.


If QQ adds new functions to see what others say about them, many people may not be romantic.


Youth is so sad that we learn to be sentimental in this season. If the years are quiet, support your body and mind; If the time is dark, will be more experienced. The most confusing thing in life is not that no one understands you, but that you don"t understand yourself.


Then I thought it was nice to have someone lie to me, at least he used heart.


In fact, there is no such thing as empathy. People don"t know how painful it is not to have an injection.


Even if you have good skills, you won"t get anywhere if you don"t act with sincerity or are unwilling to start working.


Maybe the best love is when I adore you like a hero and you love me like a child.


I miss you, but I can"t tell you, just like a full of pear trees, it can never bear apple!


I love you, but I didn"t tell you, but I did tell her. But she liked you, too, and I lost you. Always waiting for that day, I can forget myself yesterday and those lonely and sad.


Who hurt you, who beat you. it doesn"t matter All that matters is who can make you smile again.


Everyone can fall in love with different people at different times. No one can live without them. Forgetting makes us strong.


Every smiling face hides sadness.

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