
那些超级现实的句子 把你从麻木的生活中打醒


1 其实有时候男生不懂温柔却硬生生地想创造一场浪漫的就会说一句在干嘛呢In fact, sometimes boys dont understand gentleness but want to cr

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In fact, sometimes boys don"t understand gentleness but want to create a romantic will say "what are you doing?"

2.或许换个年纪 我们真的很合适 或许我再长大点 你就能接受我 或许我再晚点遇见你 你就永远不会离开我

In fact, sometimes boys don"t understand gentleness, but if they want to create a romance, they will say, "what are you doing?


All I can give you is my seriousness, and I hope you will too


I like money because I haven"t suffered from money. I don"t know the disadvantages of money. I only know the advantages of money


The eyes are full of what you can do, affectionate single-minded and how, in the end will not be disappointed, in this ambiguous and rampant era, affectionate is just a joke


He seems to like me and not like me, you think too much, he never like you


Night is not only for sleeping. It can also be used for insomnia, thinking about problems and reflecting on life. It is more tired than the day


Now you don"t need chicken soup, you need a basin of cold water on your head, so that your numb mind clear, need someone to smash your mobile phone in front of you, tell you can"t decadent

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极度伤心失控的句子 爱过的人才懂 痛到麻木 才能笑得畅快淋漓

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1.爱情不会只有一次,希望你夜深人静的时候别矫情,孤独无依的时候别回头,不纠缠,不念旧Love will not be only once, I hope you don"t affectation in the dead of night, don"t look back when you are lonely, do not entangle, do not nostalgia2.“你没有对不起我...

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