
英文美句D164:默默承受 是人生必须懂得的道理


Vincent Willem van Gogh文森特·威廉·梵高相关单词短语讲解1 complainv 抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚1 She never complains, but shes obviously exhausted 她虽然从不抱怨,但显然已疲惫不堪

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To suffer without complaining is the only lesson that has to be learned in this life.


——Vincent Willem van Gogh(文森特·威廉·梵高)


1. complain

v. 抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚

(1) She never complains, but she"s obviously exhausted.



(2) They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs flat.



(3)‘ It"s not fair, ’ she complained.



(4) She complained of his carelessness.

(She complained that he was careless. )



(5) I can"t be doing with people who complain all the time.



【拓展】complain of sth

诉说(病情或痛苦):to say that you feel ill/sick or are suffering from a pain

She left early, complaining of a headache.


2. lesson

(1) 课程;一堂课:A lesson is a fixed period of time when people are taught about a particular subject or taught how to do something.

It would be his last French lesson for months.


(2) 教训;经验:You use lesson to refer to an experience which acts as a warning to you or an example from which you should learn.

There"s still one lesson to be learned from the crisis—we all need to better understand the thinking of the other side.



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