
很有哲理的人生感悟句子 现实入心 值得分享


Sometimes think, the biggest sorrow is growing up, since then, smile is no longer pure, cry is no longer thorough 2 不是我变了,你变了,而是我们都变了

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Sometimes think, the biggest sorrow is growing up, since then, smile is no longer pure, cry is no longer thorough.


It"s not that I"ve changed, you"ve changed, it"s that we"ve all changed. It"s not that we"ve changed, it"s that our environment has changed. We"re just adapting.


Indifference is not necessarily forgotten, but it must be alienated.


The sense of security is not given by others. It depends on how much you love yourself, how much you eat, how warm you are, how much power you have on your mobile phone, and how much your wallet will never be flat.


Sometimes what we need is not a bowl of chicken soup, but a slap. Some people appear in your life just to tell you: you are so deceitful.


Don"t be too persistent about a person or something. This is not a good result.

7.现实,是一个大熔炉。锤炼了我们最终的坚强。你不想坚强,也得坚强 ,你不坚强,就得向现实投降。

Reality is a melting pot. Tempered our final strength. If you don"t want to be strong, you have to be strong. If you are not strong, you have to surrender to reality.


Society is a big VAT. Changed what we were. If you don"t want to change, you have to change. If you don"t change, you can"t adapt to the society.


The world doesn"t care about your self-esteem, it only cares about your achievements, and then emphasizes your feelings.


When you encounter something, if you like it, enjoy it; if you don"t like it, avoid it; if you can"t avoid it, change it; if you can"t change it, accept it; if you can"t accept it, deal with it; if it"s difficult to deal with it, put it down. ——In fact, the most difficult thing for people is to "let go". When you put it down, you feel relieved.


When I have something happy, I"ll share it with someone. The first one is happier than me. The second one shows admiration. The third one tries to disguise calmness, but his heart is full of ups and downs. I wish I could turn my happiness into a breeze. Since then, I have divided these three people into three categories: confidants, friends and acquaintances.


Whether it"s friendship or love, don"t think wildly, don"t rush to expose, give it to time, time knows people"s heart best!

It will give you the best answer, sincerely, stay, hypocritical, kick away!


Time testifies people"s heart, money testifies people"s character, and communication testifies sincerity. After experiencing too many things and meeting too many people, one day you will understand that you don"t need to invite too many people into your life,

Your sincerity should be left to those who cherish you and your true feelings to those who care about you.



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