
万里挑一的伤感小句子 简单而大方 深沉而有意义


Marriage is the tomb of love, in which people outside the tomb are free, while people outside the tomb are happy, so peop

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The city is busy at night, and people are cool, so people can stay, but people can"t stay.


Marriage is the tomb of love, in which people outside the tomb are free, while people outside the tomb are happy, so people will jump in.


Love is precious until it is divided, and many people don"t know how to cherish possession.


A careless word may ignite a dispute, a cruel word may destroy life, a timely word may relieve tension, and an intimate word may heal the wound.


Life is like this. When you think of the best and worst results and think you are ready to accept them, the results are presented to you in the most unexpected and authentic way, which makes you unable to refuse, but you don"t want to accept them. So is marriage. When you are extremely disappointed in a man, but because of children and reality, you can"t give up marriage, and enjoy life and torture painfully.


Leave when you"ve saved enough disappointment. Do you want to stay and save despair?


It is not a sudden decision for anyone to leave you. The heart is slowly getting cold, the leaves are gradually turning yellow, and the story is slowly written to the end.


Finally, it is not because the world is too dark, but because people are too unpredictable.


Some stories don"t have an ending, just like some likes can only be put in the heart.


Disappointment is sometimes also a kind of happiness. Because of expectation, we will be disappointed. Regret is also a kind of happiness. Because there are things you regret. Pursuing love, and then discovering that love is always a thousand times.


Trust in a man to disappointment. From getting married and lending him money to start a business to giving him a child and leaving naked. How cruel the facts are. When you snuggle up to someone and grow old with you, you realize how ridiculous you are.


Time always needs a big change later, which makes people unprepared.


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