
让人意难平的句子‖有些事说出来显得我不大度 但我确实不开心


Sometimes life is like this If you want it but cant get it, you must learn to accept what you cant accept Remember that people are going to grow up 有些事说出来显得我不大度,但我确实不开心

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Sometimes life is like this. If you want it but can"t get it, you must learn to accept what you can"t accept. Remember that people are going to grow up.


I"m not generous to say something, but I"m not happy.


Sometimes we may meet some people, only suitable to accompany you for a while, but will not accompany you for a lifetime.


Do you always change your bottom line for someone? Keep making excuses for him, keep trying to forgive. But, in fact, he doesn"t like you so much.


Meet the right person, he will appreciate you, make you better and better, make you more and more confident, on the contrary, if a person makes you less and less confident, it may be the wrong person.


I won"t ask why you don"t reply to the news, or cry childishly because you don"t reply to the news. If you don"t reply to my information, we will forget it.


There is always someone in the past who knows your habits, your language, your every movement, likes to eat, drink and play, but when you meet the right person at the wrong time, they torture each other and finally separate.

No matter how unforgettable they are, they still have to live their own lives. Just occasionally in the same scene will suddenly think of a smile, yes, that person I once loved.


The old story is repeated because it has never been dealt with properly.


It"s a pity to meet someone you like again. It"s just a few years ago. Those warm and happy, young and frivolous as well as the whole world will give you, but you come too late, I have learned to send off the sunset alone, waiting for the starlight alone.

My love as early as in innumerable helpless moments has become a calculation and calculation, there is no once pure.




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