
很多人都觉得超赞的伤感小短句 懂你心意 感受快乐


Listen carefully to what others have to say, and dont be too quick to express your own opinion 我还是会相信爱情,只是不会再相信爱情能永远

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Listen carefully to what others have to say, and don"t be too quick to express your own opinion.


I still believe in love, just don"t believe that love can forever.


I decided not to shed tears, as you decided to leave me in general firm.


Once a thing is owned, it depreciates immediately.


Maybe love is red in the face and then red in the eyes.


My heart has always been in love with you, but you haven"t noticed.


I"m sorry!I shouldn"t be thinking about you.


Love is like a joke, laugh at others, laugh hurt yourself.


Miss is the pain of breathing.


Three cups and two light wine, no match for his late arrival!Wild goose also, is sad, but old acquaintance.


You are my little miracle, put up the overbearing for fear of losing you.


Warmness is luxury-which is reflected by deep cold and hurt.


Whenever I look at the sky when I don"t like to talk whenever I talk I dare not look at the sky.


Your heart does not belong to me, but I still look forward to your response, knowing that can not, but still be traction.

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