
那些超级干净的句子 句句温柔 让人爱到不行


In this way, I bid farewell to you, borrow the green mountains from thousands of miles, take it as a gap, drink bitter w

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In this way, I bid farewell to you, borrow the green mountains from thousands of miles, take it as a gap, drink bitter wine and rivers, and drink the delusion of eternal life, and become your appearance in a cup.


In the neon rain, the umbrella is full of gratitude and resentment, I only have a rose in my pocket, this trip is high mountain and far away


What is the so-called, I live in my own light, behind the clear or not has nothing to do with me, I only know that I am towards the light.


Tonight, the moonlight is charming, walking on the street, most of the roadside shops are closed, the scattered pedestrians around are enjoying the moon or walking, and I am thinking of you


I hope you have always been like a teenager, clean and pure with peace of mind, seeing through the bad but believing in the good, seeing the bad but still kind.


I want to waste each other with you, spend the short silence, long meaningless, and kill the delicate and old universe together.


If you can"t be a gift in someone else"s life, it"s better not to be a trouble in someone else"s life


Growth is that when you were sad, oil and salt did not enter, and you did not think about food and tea. Now you will have a bowl of noodles and eggs on the side of your mind

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