
很现实的人生感悟句子 经典励志 值得收藏


1 修己,以清心为要。涉世,以慎言为先。To cultivate oneself, it is important to be pure hearted Be careful in speaking2 幸福没有昨

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To cultivate oneself, it is important to be pure hearted. Be careful in speaking


Happiness has neither yesterday nor tomorrow, it does not miss the past nor yearn for the future, it is only in the present, so we should cherish the present, and do and cherish.


As long as your heart is good, right and wrong are others.


Someone asked me why so many people are in such a good mood every day and never feel down. Now I understand, because they are running all the time and have no time to stop even one step.


Wrong people come and go, right people will stay

6.最容易令人感到温暖和惊喜的是陌生人,因为你对他没有期望。 最容易令人感到心寒和悲哀的是亲人,因为你爱他们。

It"s easy to feel warm and surprised by strangers, because you have no expectations for them. The most easily chilling and sad are relatives, because you love them.


When a person walks through all the places, he will not be curious about what happened in front of him.


The real girl is not perfect, the perfect girl is not real


Life is a kind of rhythm. There must be light and shadow, left and right, sunny and rainy. The taste is contained in the twists and turns of change without violence.


The past youth tells the innocence of white paper


When I was a child, I liked the big characters in TV dramas. When I grew up, I found that I was the best actor and lived in TV dramas every day.


When there are many people, keep your mouth shut. When there are many words, mistakes and right and wrong, you will ask for trouble.

When there are few people, keep your heart shut. When there are many delusions, delusions and pains, you will ask for trouble.

When you are in a group, you will keep your mouth shut. When you are alone, you will keep your heart clean. When you are in a world, you will be cautious.


Tomorrow will not give anyone time to prepare, the future is the biggest lie.

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