
今日精选经典句子 句句精辟入心


宫园薰 四月是你的谎言Maybe the road ahead will be forever Even so, I will move forward, because even if the stars are weak

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You come face to face, the ice disappears and the snow melts

或许前路永夜,即便如此我也要前进,因为星光即使微弱也会为我照亮前路。——宫园薰 《四月是你的谎言》

Maybe the road ahead will be forever. Even so, I will move forward, because even if the stars are weak, they will light up the road ahead for me. ——April is your lie


It"s no good staying up late and not sleeping. As soon as it gets dark, get into bed and wake up with the sun in the morning. It"s very good. ——Haruki Murakami

旅行就是,离开自以为是的生活,串联起以前的回忆,并以开放的态度结识,日常生活之外的有趣之人,至于风景,那只是附赠品。——陈宇欣 《我就是想停下来,看看这个世界》

Travel is to leave the self righteous life, connect the memories of the past, and meet the interesting people outside the daily life with an open attitude. As for the scenery, it"s just a gift. ——I just want to stop and see the world by Chen Yuxin


If you forget the kindness and kindness, and only know how to compete with others for success, that is really mediocrity. ——Yu Qiuyu"s long river of frost


When you finally let go of the past and embrace tomorrow, you will find that the whole world is helping you. ——Sabina


Judging a person is not based on his own confession or opinion of himself, but on his actions. ——Lenin

生命是一种律动,需有光有影,有左有右,有晴有雨,滋味就含在这变而不猛的曲折里。 ——老舍

Life is a kind of rhythm. It needs light and shadow, left and right, sunny and rainy. The taste is contained in the twists and turns of change without violence. ——Lao She


The most luxurious person in the world is the one who is willing to spend time with you. Everyone"s time is valuable. To give you time is to give you your own world. ——Radix Scutellariae


Time flows through everyone in the same way, but everyone spends it in a different way. ——Kawabata Yasunari

好不容易来一趟人间,一定要好好地努力,不管是工作、玩乐、吃喝,甚至是偷懒都要好好努力偷懒。—— 朱德庸

If it"s not easy to come to the world, we must work hard,Whether it"s work, play, eat and drink, or even lazy, we should work hard to be lazy. ——Zhu Deyong


The Buddhist Scripture says: "the flag has not moved, and the wind has not blown. It is the heart that moves." ——East evil and West poison

人生就像是一块拼图,认识一个人越久越深,这幅图就越完整。但它始终无法看到全部,因为每一个人都是一个迷,没必要一定看透,却总也看不完。—— 林海音 《城南旧事》

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. The longer you know someone, the more complete the picture is. But it can not see all, because everyone is a mystery, there is no need to see through, but it can"t finish. ——Old stories in the south of the city by Lin Haiyin



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