
毕业留言的神仙句子 分享给想分享的人吧!


There is a kind of hate called graduation, there is a kind of reluctance to graduate, there is an unforgettable graduation,

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There is a kind of hate called graduation, there is a kind of reluctance to graduate, there is an unforgettable graduation, there is a kind of graduation, there is a summer called graduation.


We used to be spectators in the graduation season, and now we are the protagonists in the graduation season.


Gently, time flies, in a hurry, graduation came. After graduation, we agreed, and we insisted on graduation? Although school life has graduated, but our love will never graduate.


You are the bud of the flowering season, you are the eagle spreading its wings. Tomorrow is our world, everything is shining because of us.


Not willing to say goodbye, but in the farewell, that childish years. Do not want to say goodbye, always in the farewell, the season of many dreams


I"m not always reluctant to let you go. Just always want to see your smile, hear your laughter.


I twisted the strands of love into a long red rope. Let your kite, which is about to fly far away, fly in my blue sky from time to time.


The hugs I missed in those years, the parties I missed in those years, I really want to tell you that I haven"t forgotten you. That night was full of stars, friendship in parallel time and space. Meet again, I will hold you tight, hold you tight, friend.


People say that friends who have made a teenager will remember for a lifetime, because this is youth, no regrets.


I miss the summer of 2018. I remember that summer, there seems to be 98k with short feelings and wind. I graduated that summer, took graduation photos, and didn"t have summer homework. It seems that summer is good except for heat.

十一,夏天永驻 我们如初

Summer stays with us forever

十二,今天天气很好 一会没课了 以后 也都没课了

Today the weather is very good, there will be no class for a while, and there will be no class after that

十三,盛意以江河 江河不及你夏天永驻 我们如初分离是人间常态 我们也不例外

It ’ s no exception to the fact that the rivers and rivers are not as good as you are in the summer. We are separated as usual


The end is inevitable, and it is enough to have fun


Youth is a non-stop encounter and miss

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