
很现实的句子 总有一句直击你的内心


虽然一直吐槽,但是还是会记得他对我的好Although has been teasing, but will still remember his good to me有的时候我们怀念的是那个时候

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Although has been teasing, but will still remember his good to me


Sometimes we miss the way he made us feel

人和人还是刚认识的时候最好 虚伪又热情 新鲜又浪漫

It"s best to be hypocritical, warm, fresh and romantic when you first meet someone

一个小县城 说它大吧走几步就能看见熟人 说它小吧 想见的人一次也没见过

A small county said it was big enough to walk a few steps to see acquaintances said it was small enough to see the people I want to see have never seen

后来我终于遇到了我的理想型 但是我舍不得和他谈恋爱 我只想一直和他做朋友

Then I finally met my ideal type, but I was reluctant to fall in love with him. I just wanted to be friends with him all the time


He"s just been a little grumpy this time. He"ll be back, for sure

我没有心事可讲 我的心酸都不可告人

I have nothing on my mind to tell of my heartache


He does not understand your grievance, always think it is your reason, because you capricious, he also think he has been very tolerant of you, you are not satisfied


To sajiao is to perceive the possibility of being favored


Growing up, lost a lot of friends, but still very grateful to them, happy at that time is true, want to be friends with them for life, is also true

当我决定不和任何人做过度亲密的关系时,我就明白了孤单是什么滋味 挺好的

When I decided not to be overly intimate with anyone, I realized what it was like to be alone

如果哪天我撑不住了我会关掉手机 不给任何人发消息画个美美的妆穿上喜欢的衣服 吃下所有的药安静的睡一觉

If one day I can"t hold on, I will turn off my phone and not send messages to anyone. I will paint a beautiful makeup, put on my favorite clothes, take all the medicine and sleep peacefully

突然想到大约在冬季里的一段话 这世上所有的死别 都好过生离

Suddenly it occurred to me that all death in the world is better than death


Two people"s business most afraid of listening to the third person"s advice

我觉得我比任何人都爱你 比任何人都想让你开心让你平安 比任何人都想和你在一起 但在你这里我觉得我比不上任何人

I feel like I love you more than anyone and I want to make you happy and make you safe more than anyone I want to be with you but I feel like I"m not as good as anyone in your world


The reason did not ask the relationship is too much


No boy"s first dream was a house


I was irritable in front of my family, sand-sculpted in front of my friends, shy in front of strangers, and collapsed alone in the middle of the night


Make an appointment to meet once, can make a few days before and after the meeting with light, become a good day

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