


Carbon based organisms on a blue planet on the edge of the third arm are celebrating that their planet has completed anoth

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Carbon based organisms on a blue planet on the edge of the third arm are celebrating that their planet has completed another revolution in the star system.


There must be another me in the world, doing what I dare not do, loving everything I dare not love.


It"s never anyone"s unfeeling that torments you, but your illusory expectations.


I"ll stand here and love whoever comes to me.


I"m very grateful that I"m lucky in making friends.


I"m still in my youth. It"s ridiculous. It doesn"t matter.


I want to listen to the formal confession, sweet love, rather than confused, because fresh together, and inexplicably separated, so this time I slowly.


About my character, I owe you an apology, but about my love for you, I only deserve you.


In the morning I leave in the evening, in the evening I leave in the evening.


Want to be the kind of person who is still worthy of love after being seriously understood.


If you want to see me, there is no distance between us, whether it"s a rainstorm or more than a thousand kilometers.

“没必要让所有人都知道真实的你,也没必要跟别人说个不停,其实你是谁 懂你的人自然懂,爱你的人自然爱你。”

There"s no need to let everyone know the real you, and there"s no need to keep talking to others. In fact, who you are? People who understand you naturally understand, and people who love you naturally love you.





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