
「晚安」经典又伤感的个性短句 精辟透彻 句句穿心!


Maybe after he had the next relationship, he might tell me to his current listener that there was a girl who loved and l

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Maybe after he had the next relationship, he might tell me to his current listener that there was a girl who loved and loved him, and deliberately made his current jealous and then coaxed the current talk to pass me Only love you now.




Not being a good person, being a stunner;

Don"t be cute, be sexy;

Don"t talk, make icebergs.


Not that we like being single, but we are afraid to give this serious love to the wrong person again.


If in the end I work with me until the old person is not you, it will be the greatest regret in my life.


I am disappointed and will take back my likes. Once I feel that you are not worth my effort, it will be cold and particularly obvious. Although you don"t know which details are wrong, I will never say.


Maybe you are someone else, but you just spent a time with me that I feel very happy. When the time is up, you should go, then I wish you a bright future.


When you do n’t love me, be sure to tell me instead of using cold violence to drive me away from you little by little, because it will consume my thoughts about love.


I don"t know when the next love is, but I really can"t accept the so-called freshness and it becomes cold violence, so I chose to be single.



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