


People have stopped and stopped on the road all their lives, and they have known many friends all their lives In the end

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People have stopped and stopped on the road all their lives, and they have known many friends all their lives. In the end, there are very few left, so it is said that the measurements that can"t be talked about together are not together, hard together, only hinder others. Eyes. Break one"s own heart.


Some people are very fat when they are young. They are very slim when they grow up. Some people are very smart when they are young. They are useless when they grow up. Therefore, when they are young, they are not fat, and the truth of life is the same. No one knows what it is in the end. The result.


Life has come all the way, has suffered a lot of injuries, and has suffered a lot of the most slowly let yourself learn to be wary, but also learned to be patient, but also let yourself recognize many people in real life, but also let yourself know Think twice before you do things.


In this world, the hot water will be cold, no matter how good you are, you don"t know how to cherish, your heart will become cold, your heart will be cold, you can cool in the hot water, you can only regret it for a lifetime.


To be a human being, you have to know that you have eaten too much. You can spit it out. Once you say it, you will never take it back. So when you talk, you have to go through your own brain and think about it later.


Be a person and never let others know your own injuries, your own pain, because others will always look at your jokes and your excitement, which will only make you a topic of jokes, and finally you can only make yourself painful. Add pain.


Only after experiencing pain, can you see the true and false of a person. Only after experiencing, sharing joys and sorrows, and suffering together, can you understand the warmth and warmth of feelings. Only by giving your love can you appreciate the warmth of the world.


Want to know a person"s good or bad, years is the best proof, want to know the true and false of a thing, time is the best way.


When I was young, I often didn"t understand why wine was so bitter. Adults still like to drink. When they grow up, they know that they don"t drink wine, they drink life, and they drink life.

10、人生不能重来,泼出去的水不能收回,人这一辈子,你要记住,做人要有善心,做事要有良心,做人做事虽然不能让所有人都满意 ,但是我们一定要做到无愧于心,不管最后的结局如何,我们一定要干干净净做人,明明白白做事。

"Life can"t be done again", the water spilled can"t be recovered. In this life, you must remember that you must be kind and have a conscience in doing things. Although you can"t satisfy everyone, we must be innocent. No matter what the final outcome, we must be clean. Be a person. Do things clearly.


People of this generation can not do their own as far as possible do not trouble others, others can not do as far as possible do not trouble me, because every thing in life is complementary.




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