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Chapter1 Four sisters四姐妹

" It"s so awful to be poor!" agreed Meg, looking at her old dress. “贫穷真是糟透了!”麦格边看着她的旧衣裙边表示赞同。Meg was sixteen and very pretty, with large eyes and soft brown hair, and white hands. 麦格16岁了,长着很漂亮,大眼睛,拥有柔软的棕色头发,以及白皙的双手。A tear dropped off the end of Jo"s nose. 一滴泪珠从琼的鼻尖上滑落。

Chapter2 A Happy Christmas 快乐的圣诞节

There were screams of laughter from eveeryone. 所有人都尖声大叫。

Chapter3 The Laurence boy 劳伦斯家的男孩

She took the papers off, to her horror,the burnt hair came off with them!她把纸拿了下来,令她惊骇的是,烧焦的头发随之显露了出来。She cried with pain, and when Laurie saw that she could not walk, he immediately offered to take them home in his grandfather"s carriage. 她痛苦地喊叫了一声,罗瑞看到她不能走路,就立即邀请她们一起坐他祖父的马车回家。

Chapter4 The house next door 隔壁的房子

Jo saw the sadness in his eyes. 琼看到他眼中的悲伤。Chapter5 A surprise for Beth 白丝的惊喜

As soon as she began to play, she forgot her fears immediately in the delight which the music gave her. 她一开始弹琴,立刻就在音乐带给她的愉快中忘记了恐惧。She hurried to the house and they took her into the front room. 她赶快回到家,她们带她来到前厅。

Chapter6 Amy in trouble 艾米遇到麻烦

Wild with fear, Jo fetched some wood and pulled it across the ice,while Laurie held Amy"s head above the water. 琼吓疯了,她去拿了木头,把它拖过冰面,此时罗瑞将艾米的头托出水面。She was more frightened than hurt.她没受什么伤,更多的是受了惊吓。

Chapter7 Meg hears some gossip 麦格听到了闲言碎语

They were all very kind to Meg and did their best to make her feel at home. 她们对麦格都很好,并且尽他们所能使麦格就像在家里一样舒适。Meg smiled and found it impossible to stay angry with him. 麦格笑了,她发现根本不可能跟他生气。

Chapter8 All play and no work 只有玩乐没有工作

Mrs March listened, smiled and said nothing. 马奇太太听着,面带微笑,什么都没说。"Oh!"said Miss Kate, looking rather shocked. 噢,凯特小姐说,看上去很吃惊。Meg"s cheeks quickly became red. 麦格的脸很快变红了!

Chapter10 A telegram 电报

Jo picked up the telegram and read it to the others in a frightened voice. 琼把电报拾起来,用惊恐的声音读给其他人听。

Chapter11 Beth 白丝

A cold feeling of fear passed over Jo. 一种冰冷的恐惧感传遍琼的全身。

Chapter13 Laurie makes trouble and Jo makes peace

罗瑞惹麻烦 琼平息事端

Laurie quickly realized that Jo was keeping a secret which she refused to tell him, but he guessed the secret was about Meg and Mr Brooke, and was annoyed that his tutor had said nothing. 罗瑞很快意识到,琼有秘密在瞒着他,她拒绝向他透露,可他猜想那秘密是关于麦格和布鲁克先生的。他也因老师什么都不说感到有些生气。Jo immediately knocked again and the door flew open. 琼马上又敲,门一下子就开了。

Chapter14 Happier days 快乐的日子

There were tears of happiness on many faces before all the excitement died down. 兴奋消散之前,许多人脸上都淌下了欢乐的眼泪。He smiled gratefully, "Will you try to find out?"他感激的笑了,“你会试着弄明白吗?”"I am too young,"she said, hesitating but feeling her heart beating rather fast. “我太年轻了,”她犹豫不决的说,可她感到自己的心跳的非常快。"It"s Father"s friend," said Meg hurriedly. 是爸爸的朋友,麦格很快的说。



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