
让人忍不住怀念的小短句 心动又温暖 总是可以深入人心


If this is not love, what do we have to grieve for?如果这不是爱,我们有什么可悲伤的?Helpless, always love to walk, like a Ge

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Perseverance to the extreme, basking in the dark, relying on vicissitudes of life alone, interpreting the sad little smile, such as the night like water, putting away the disguised mood, numbing and stalemate in the gap of thinking, making the years" bright and colorful starting point of love, a piece of memory, wake up the years" dusty and broken tenderness, but can"t stop the heart from traveling.


If this is not love, what do we have to grieve for?


Helpless, always love to walk, like a Gesang flower, desolate step by step, few people know, it is very proud. Love is deep, but there is no end, and there is no place to depend on. It"s too late to spend a dream. When you wake up, Fang Jueran knows why people do business. It"s a pity that everything hates being late!


Because of love, each other still has the silly infatuation when they were young; Because of love, we have to dream; Because of love, I often hide in the corner and burst into tears; Because of love, I always dare not approach.


You always want to be brave and true, so now take a deep breath and start your great adventure with fierce loneliness.


Love is broken, can"t be tied, try to let go, go or not, stay or not, I don"t want to understand.


Memories always slap me, pointing to old wounds and not letting me forget them.


I never gave up liking him, just from strong to quiet.


In fact, good love won"t make you run your business with all your heart and soul, and the person who loves you won"t make you afraid of leaving. Shoes that don"t fit your feet will be taken off, and those who don"t fit will let go. You don"t have to grovel in order to retain anyone. Anyway, it"s a lifetime. Don"t be afraid, someone will stay up late with you, pick you up in the rain, say I love you, and the good ones will always be at the bottom of the box. Remember to cherish them when you meet them.


Young people should never lose confidence because of a math subject. You are not the only one who can"t do it.


Some losses are doomed, and some fates will never come to fruition. You can"t have it if you love someone, but I just can"t erase the little things you left in my heart.


To give up on a person is probably that what you say, what you do, where you go and what you do has nothing to do with me. I am tired and give up.


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