
值得珍藏起来的高质量句子 优质走心 简短却不失深情


Grasp the shortness of youth, adhere to the ideals and beliefs of youth, and adhere to the love and longing for life 还

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Grasp the shortness of youth, adhere to the ideals and beliefs of youth, and adhere to the love and longing for life.


There is another person who has not come to your youth, but it is in the coming years that he has written more happy stories. Please wait for your beautiful arrival.


Let your feelings precipitate in care and let your soul have sustenance. Care is the dialogue of the soul, the call of the soul and the response of the soul.


We need a lighthouse, we need a pair of wings, and we need the oath of youth.


It"s not easy for youth to have no regrets. It"s really difficult.


Close people are people we spend most of our time together, because it means that we are easy to get angry because we expect more or want more from close people.


Youth is not a clear gurgling water, but a bit of life and growth.

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