
给你感情忠告的句子 520虽然甜蜜但也不要忘了相伴到白头


却不知道我找回那丢了的半条命多难多难You come and you go softly But I dont know how hard it is to find the half life I lost

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Don"t mess with a girl who is always fraternizing with the opposite sex, because you can"t bear her affection


I never made you proud, but you treated me like a treasure


Some people are too easy to say like, but it is also easy to turn away, leaving only the slow heat of the party, at a loss


The best way to destroy a person is to try to be good to her, always accompany her, become part of her life, her spiritual support, when she can not leave you, say we are not suitable, obedient, we can still be ordinary friends


You come and you go softly. But I don"t know how hard it is to find the half life I lost


Truly understand, may not like

亲爱的,好感情要自己经营哦 想好好恋爱就不要听鸡汤无论好坏

Honey, a good relationship needs to be managed by itself. If you want a good relationship, don"t listen to chicken soup


If you can"t be a gift, don"t enter someone else"s life

我觉得真正喜欢一个人不是看到的都是他的优点 而是总是能看到他的缺点但还是喜欢的不得了

I think the real love of a person is not to see his good points but always see his bad points but still like

聊几句天就确定的爱情,见见面就死心塌地,来的太轻易的爱情却被睡意,没有过程的爱情 你还指望有什么结果

The love that chats a few days to be sure, see meet with be dead set in one"s heart, come of too easy love be drowsy however, the love that does not have a process what result do you still expect to have


Obviously just a little bit of curiosity, maybe good feelings and love can not say the same. Know clearly, but the heart quietly planted the seeds of expectation


First say love first do not love, after the heart do not give up


We are always very naive, think good to a person will be moved to each other


Be together is two people say of calculate, break up is a person however

520分手,但是我好爱他爱到骨子里。心里纵使万般无奈也没有办法,不知道多久能走出去 已经习惯了有她的生活,每天都空唠唠的,多想有一天她对我说一句我想你了

520 break up, but I love him love to the bone. Heart even if all helpless also have no way, do not know how long can go out has been used to her life, every day empty chatter, I want to one day she said to me I miss you


Brother afraid you have a bad, bestie afraid you have a better than her

愿你们有良人相伴 并不孤单

May you have your loved ones and never be alone


At 13:14 on May 20, 2020, the person to wait for is already gone. What else can you wait for? Everything goes with the wind. Wish you both the best


It"s not that I don"t know what you mean, but I"m afraid of making friends for a few months

五千年只有一次的超浪漫日子 可惜却没有可期待的人了

A super-romantic day that only happens once in 5,000 years has no one to look forward to

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