
20句写给自己的话 愿你们都成为自己的太阳 活成自己想象的样子


If you are really tired, you can come out of the closed space, stretch your stiff body and look up at the blue sky and

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如果真的累,就走出压抑沉闷的封闭空间,伸个懒腰,舒展一下僵硬的身躯,抬头看看蔚蓝的天空和自由展翅的飞鸟。If you are really tired, you can come out of the closed space, stretch your stiff body and look up at the blue sky and the birds with free wings.

逃避问题,只会让自己更加的沉沦下去,唯一做的就是去面对,去拿捏住它。Escape from the problem, will only let themselves sink down more, the only thing to do is to face, to pinch it.你是个成年人了,懂得成年人世界里的艰辛,懂得成功不负有心人的道理。You"re an adult, and you know how hard it is to be an adult, and how success pays off when you put your heart into it.平时多一点忍耐,上天不会把成功留给装作努力的人,而是那些埋头苦干的人。Usually a little more patience, god will not leave success to those who pretend to work hard, but those who keep their heads down to work.自己的不堪,只是现在,而不是将来,重要的是,你想不想冲破不堪。You can"t stand it now, not in the future. What matters is whether you want to stand it or not.

要一直明白自己的耐压,耐打磨的意志和潜能,它远比你想象的还要强大。Always know that your will and potential to endure pressure and polish is greater than you think.机遇有可能会辜负你,但是努力一直在追随你。Opportunities may fail you, but efforts have been made to follow you.在自己玩手机的时候,要想起,比自己优秀的人还在砥砺前行。When you play with your phone, you should remember that those who are better than you are still forging ahead.要相信,实力才是自己能够站在高处眺望远方的资本,靠运气,只会使自己在低谷盘旋。We should believe that strength is the capital that we can stand on top and look into the distance. Relying on luck, we can only make.不要因一时的心血来潮而做超出自己目前实力的决定,一旦做了,就要全心全意的想怎么把它实现?Don"t make a decision beyond your current strength on a whim. Once you make it, you should think wholeheartedly about how to make it come true.

当你为一个事情苦恼,而不所得的时候,换个角度,也许会恍然大悟呢。When you are distressed for a thing, but no gain, another Angle, may be suddenly enlightened.有某个瞬间,你会突然明白,没有什么可抱怨的,所有的抱怨都是为了之前的幼稚买单。At some point, you will suddenly understand that there is nothing to complain about, all the complaints are for the previous naive pay.你可以假装很努力,但难逃时光这一鉴伪机,它可不会帮你演戏。You can pretend to work hard, but time is a fake detector. It won"t help you act.一旦开始了,就不要停止,而是像猎豹一样盯准它去追逐。Once you start, don"t stop, but follow it like a cheetah.若是你心里向往远方,那就尽一切的努力去奔赴追寻。If your heart is longing for a distant place, then make every effort to find it.

别总是悲观的说,自己觉得人生就这样,什么都没有经历过,何来的结论?Don"t always pessimistic said, he felt that life is so, what have not experienced, how to come to the conclusion?其实你口中所说的没有准备好,不过是你为懒找的借口。What you say is not ready, but an excuse for laziness.每天在睡前反省和总结一下当天发生的事,你会发现不一样的世界。By reflecting and summarizing the day"s events before you go to bed, you will discover a different world.做什么事情不要等到明天,慢慢的你会享受当天的充实。What should you do instead of waiting for tomorrow, so that you can enjoy the fullness of the day.余生漫长,凡事有度,分寸在心,自己成为自己的太阳,活出自己想活的样子。

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