
经典走心的人生感悟句子 读来感触满怀


Walking and looking back, it seemed that youth was fading away,sometimes I didnt feel it right away, sometimes I suddenly realizedthat it was youth 青春耀眼动人,因为它燃烧自己,照亮别人

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Walking and looking back, it seemed that youth was fading away,sometimes I didn"t feel it right away, sometimes I suddenly realizedthat it was youth.


Youth is dazzling and moving because it burns itself andilluminates others.


Youth has never had its boundary, but it is a very cold boundary,meaning a kind of pure perfection, whether sad or happy, past,present or future. It"s always been here... Life is a boat. After aninnocent childhood, you will sail into the harbor of youth.


Youth is like a dream, time is like a flower, water is like ayear, and fleeting, so please cherish youth. Youth is like a song,its connotation requires you to sing out its life with fire energy;Youth is like a painting.


We are pure, happy and innocent in the rainy season. In the study,life, making friends, we formed their own colorful youth, tasting thetaste of youth: sweet, experiencing the world"s true, good andbeautiful.


Lush years, nostalgic time, fleeting, fleeting. The obsession ofthe past, the story of the past, the memory of that person, willalways be my heart do not want to forget the pain and gentle touch.The initial appearance of youth, it is just the beginning of loveignorant of the time.


Yellowing photos and dusty notebooks carry all of our youth,frozen old times shining in memory tunnels. Some people and thingsare vivid and lingering, because we create together belong to thelight of youth.


Because of meeting you, I saw the light of love that I feltlightened the world when I was young.


I finally admit love. About you, I confess; About once I finallyadmitted it; I admit that all this is fate, I admit that it hasbecome a foregone conclusion, I finally admit that all this shouldend, it is the time for us to bid farewell to the old days, theoriginal appearance of youth forever hidden in the heart.


Everyone has their own youth story, each story carries memories ofthe past. Even if the good time has an incomparable good, butultimately can not keep, because can keep the time is not calledyouth.

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