
甜系句子‖你是年少的欢喜 也是余生的四季


We used to be an ordinary blackandwhite line, but at the moment when fate intersected, sparks collided and everything burst

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We used to be an ordinary black-and-white line, but at the moment when fate intersected, sparks collided and everything burst out. From then on, all colors of the world broke into the world.


Some people have dopamine when they meet, in other words, some people are happy together.


Once upon a time after class, I went out of the classroom to get some air, to fetch water, to go to the toilet, to the supermarket, to the dormitory, to the playground, to the restaurant. I came all over the school just to see you.


I have met many people in my life. They are like fireworks between my fingers, flickering and darkening. At last, they are reduced to ashes. You are different. You are like Beidou, shining in my whole life.


Before I met you, my world was full of lights. But at this moment, I really want someone to put out all the lights, leaving you shining in my heart.


In this colorful world, you are the joy of youth and the four seasons of the rest of your life.


If I can, I"ll be with you all the time and become whatever you like. I"d like to be an ingenious but useless machine, a small dark cloud, the expression of a socket, and the rain floating up the whole city.


I may not have many advantages, but I am always full of love. I love the gorgeous morning glow at sunrise, the bright sea of stars at night, the intermittent rain in overcast days, the quiet when I am alone, the laughter, the hot hot pot, the sweet milk tea, all the beauties, the lovers and you.



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