
2020朋友圈伤感句子 等你三年的人 和陪你三年的人哪个更爱你?


1、好像谁都没错,但是互相矛盾,像水和火,不是水不好,也不是火有错,就是天生难以相容,只能努力寻求一个平衡,不伤到彼此就不错了It seems that n


It seems that no one is wrong, but they contradict each other, like water and fire. It’s not that water is bad or fire is wrong, but it’s inherently incompatible. You can only try to find a balance without hurting each other.


I love him very much, he doesn’t love me and I love him, he hurts me and I love him, I know I can’t let go of my humble begging, but when I was cheated of money by myself, I was helpless by myself When I found out that my friend is not him, I found that love or not is not important anymore


I always thought I could not remember his appearance when we were separated for 3 years. But I still think of him. The message after he opened the day he left said: I really loved you, and we may never see you again after this time. Let us forget about each other. I want to say that you are my rivers and lakes... I just replied with one word: OK. I just know that as long as I think of you in this life, I will be sad.

4、跟前任分手之后我本以为再也不会遇到光,后来我遇到了现在的男孩子,他对我很好,好到让我觉得他如果来得早一点会更好,他就像天使一样,来治愈我,我好爱他,也爱我自己爱他的这个样子,炙热而深沉,我想跟我的男孩永远都好好的爱着 直到结婚

After breaking up with my ex, I thought I would never meet Hikari again. Then I met the current boy. He treated me very well, so that I thought it would be better if he came earlier. He is like an angel. , To heal me, I love him so much, I love him like this, hot and deep, I want to love my boy forever until we get married


Which one who has been waiting for you for three years or someone who has been with you for three years loves you more? One reason I am only the one reminding you to go home, is the wine really good? The answer is no, I think it tastes good because I am used to numbing myself with alcohol for a long time! What you are looking for is a confidant soul mate, rather than numbing yourself with alcohol and saying that no one understands me! The misunderstanding of most girls


Since the first time I saw you, I have liked you. I believe in love at first sight. Since then, I have started to make money and save money, just so that I can have more confidence to chase you and have more I have the confidence to let you marry me. You are the first person to make me think about my future life. I look forward to turning you into the person who will live with me in the future.

7、你从阳光下走来,带着温暖的气息,脸上有最温柔的笑容。伸出手来,抓紧,把我拉离寂寞的边缘。那一瞬间,阳光散漫,把一切的美好都给我。 我轻轻睁开眼,你的呼吸越来越近。 我坚信,那蓝汪汪的天,碧青的山丘上承载着执着的太阳花。你站在花丛中,笑着向我伸出手,永远的等待我,永不曾离开……

You came from the sun, with a warm breath, with the gentlest smile on your face. Reach out, hold on, and pull me from the edge of loneliness. At that moment, the sun was scattered, giving me all the good things. I opened my eyes slightly, and your breath was getting closer. I firmly believe that the blue sky and green hills carry persistent sunflowers. You stand among the flowers, smile and stretch out your hand to me, waiting for me forever, and never leave……


I had only wanted to fulfill my dream, but I didn"t want to be marketable or be polished by reality. Until that day, I saw the gray hair on my mother"s head, and suddenly realized that I was already doing what I loved. This was the realization of my dream. The so-called realization of dreams may not mean an ending, but a process. The next thing to do is to concentrate on research and do things that make mom happy and proud. Accepting reality is not numb, but being willing to be ordinary is also great.


I always think that it’s fine to live a good life, but adults are always talking about other people’s opinions. I can’t understand it. Maybe it’s because I haven’t really experienced life yet, so I always love everything. I feel that the world is very beautiful…… I will experience all kinds of things in life in the future, but I hope that I will still be what I am now, still full of love for the world, and full of love for life


Actually, I’m not afraid to try to do something. Even if it fails, it’s no big deal, but I’m most afraid of other people’s incomprehension. It’s been more than a year since I graduated and it’s still moonlight. , Family members do not support, friends do not understand, they all think that as long as they have a job, they can support themselves. It seems that they only need money in their eyes and nothing else matters

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非常经典的句子 人生最难的是等待 最美的是有值得等待的东西


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