
能治愈伤心的温情小句子 懂你的心 值得收藏


Love you, feel the ground is moving 若你能许我一个未来


Love you, feel the ground is moving.


If you could give me a future.I"ll do it for you.Dancing with long sleeves, doing brocade time.


Thinking of you sleep, dreaming of you wake up.


It rained, I threw my umbrella in the rain;The wind, I put the kite to the sky;Miss you, I left myself in the rain.


There is a beautiful called give up there is a sad called helpless there is a power called struggle there is a feeling called lonely there is a happy called lonely there is a mood called lost


Like fireworks but did not dare to see fireworks bloom, because I know the most prosperous is also the most sad.


No matter how the world changes, no matter your heart is still in, I want to tell you: I still love you, you will always be the biggest attachment in my heart.


Sometimes we"re forced to take the road we can"t take until we find our voice.


With you I do not lack anything, even if the heart again wild, also know to refuse.


Not everyone loves you as much as I do, so fucking remember.


People gaunt, for whom?Red leaves and water do not follow.

爱情是生命的盐。——约· 谢菲尔德

Love is the salt of life.-- Jo Sheffield


Love was an accident, I for you, just an accident;You for me, is a love.

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