


1 Dreams are like a lighthouse in the distance, illuminating your way forward 二、梦想有时是一束光,能照亮心中黑暗

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(1) Dreams are like a lighthouse in the distance, illuminating your way forward.


(2) Dreams are sometimes a beam of light that can illuminate the darkness in your heart.


(3) Dream is light, illuminating the dark street.


(4) Dream is a fire in winter, burning through the barriers leading to the future.


(5) A dream is a tree that blossoms out of life.


(6) Dream is a flower, bear the fruit of life!


(7) Dream is sometimes a bridge that can communicate our friendship.


(8) Dream is autumn, harvest the fruit of hope.


(9) Dream is the way to success.


(10) Dream is like a snowflake dancing in the air. If you want to catch him, he has melted.


(11) Dream is a bright lamp that lights up your future.


(12) Dream is a pair of wings that fly with you in the sky.


(13) Dream is sometimes a rain, which can moisten thousands of hectares of fertile fields.


(14) Dreams are like towering mountains. Only by climbing hard and persevering can dreams come true.


(15) Dreams are like a compass, guiding you in the direction of progress.


(16) Dream is a sharp sword that can help you clear away obstacles.


(17) Dream is the street, out of their own way.


(18) Dream, like a fire, lights up the dark dream in my heart.


(19) Dream is spring, pregnant with a life of hope.


(20) Dreams, like an engine, inspire us to move forward.


(21) Dream is a navigation light to guide the direction of ship navigation.


(22) My dream is as beautiful as the rainbow in the sky.


(23) Dream is winter, planting the seeds of hope.


(24) Dream is a song, playing the music of life.


(25) Dreams, like lighthouses, point out our way forward.


(26) Dream is sometimes a gust of wind, which can blow away the troubles between the hearts.


(27) Dream is summer, which opens a flower of hope.


(28) Dream is the green of spring, delicate and fragile, full of new ideas.


(29) My dream is as beautiful as the dawn.


(30) Dream is like a ship sailing to the other side of victory against the wind and waves.


(31) Dream is water, pouring out the seedling of life.


(32) Dreams are like colorful marbles. The moment they come true, the whole world is yours; When it was broken, everything was eclipsed, and the glass marbles became broken glass fragments.


(33) Dream is a petrel, flying proudly on the sea of the soul.


(34) Dreams, like a lamp, light up tomorrow.


(35) Dreams are withered leaves that nourish trees and usher in new life.


(36) Dream is a street lamp that points out the direction for you in the dark.


(37) Dream is the goal of struggle, which will take you forward all the time.


(38) Dream is a movement, composing beautiful notes.


(39) Dream is the dawn, illuminating the way of Night Walker.


(40) Dream is a seedling that grows the tree of life.


(41) Dream is like a small fish swimming around in the water. If you want to catch him, he has run away.


(42) Dream is a sweet spring in the desert, so that the dry walker can see the hope of life.


(43) Dream is a monument to help you witness glory.


(44) Dreams, like a gust of wind, blow to the future.


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