
人生的经典句子 句句阳光正能量 看过受益多多


Whenever you want to give up, think about what you have been doing all the way to the present 2 行动是通往成功的阶梯

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Whenever you want to give up, think about what you have been doing all the way to the present.


Action is the ladder to success. The more action you take, the higher you climb.


Never give up when you encounter a strong wind in life.


Talent can"t support ambition, so calm down and learn. The economy can"t support dreams, so it"s hard to work.


If you turn your heart to the sun, you will not feel the shadow and live a sunflower like life. The more others look down on you, the harder you should work. The more others beat you, the more you should achieve!


There is only one kind of failure, that is, the one who gives up without success.


If you want to bid farewell to the mediocre life, you must work hard; If you want to get rid of poverty, you have to work hard; If you want to realize your dream, you must adhere to your faith, overcome yourself, and make your heart strong through repeated experience.


If you want to live an ideal and easy life, you need to work hard. After all, no one"s life falls from the sky. You have to stand on tiptoe and pick any beauty you want.


Persistence is an extremely difficult thing. The sun in your heart will always be cloudy, but you should know where the future is and where your gas station is. When everything is lost, there is a future.


Only by cutting off the retreat can we win a better way out. Many times, we need a kind of courage to cut off our retreat. Because there is a retreat behind you, you will feel lucky and comfortable. If there is no retreat behind you, you will win a way out for yourself.


A temporary setback does not mean that all previous efforts are wrong. Temporary success doesn"t mean you don"t have to work hard from now on.


The experience of life is to bear and insist, not to delay and escape, nor to blindly follow and wait and see. After the storm, we should reflect on our cowardice in the storm and live a kind of self encouragement, although the result is not the final pursuit. Remember one piece of advice: shape your life. Out of the haze of life, the result has nothing to do with you.

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