
简简单单的一句话 深情至极 触及心灵


He believed that tomorrow was the future 你给我的,是万念俱灰的伤害

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He believed that tomorrow was the future.


You give me, is the hurt of desperation.I give you, is to do everything in life.


Life drama, there are sad and happy, more can not lack you!Valentine"s day, do not play coloratura, do not play acrobatics, just seriously pass a message to you, I love you.


The cold moon that depresses thousands and thousands of painful penetrating heart, with the dreariness that feels lonesome, sing alone in the depths of the soul.


I never envied anyone when you were with me.


I shine as a god in this beautiful moment


Someday WHEN I talk about you again, I will smile and calmly tell them that you are the past that drove me crazy to death.


Every night habitually bitchy look at things about you.


Even if I have to live alone, I will not forget the past and your memory.


Even if meet is a passer-by boundless, I am afraid this life will read you do not put.


The deed of death and life is broad, and Zi Cheng said.Taking your hand, growing old with you together


Some of the time, it is to love quietly away, away from the figure, hide not open is the silent feelings.

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