
很经典的人生哲理句子 精致入心 值得收藏


Life is not only a journey, but also a journey; it is a wait, but also a meeting; it is an adventure, but also a treasure hunt; it is a tear, but also a song 2 生命原本全是空格,需要你一样样填满

友情提示:本文共有 2107 个字,阅读大概需要 5 分钟。


Life is not only a journey, but also a journey; it is a wait, but also a meeting; it is an adventure, but also a treasure hunt; it is a tear, but also a song.


Life is all spaces, you need to fill everything.


Even if the night devours everything, the sun can come back.


Fate can go out of winter, memory how to forget the cold, spring is a season of tears, you do not forget to umbrella.

5.或许。正是前路漫漫。才使我们又是神往 又是忧伤。

Maybe. It"s a long way to go. It makes us yearn and sad.


No matter how long the road is, you can finish it step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can"t reach it without stepping on your feet.


There is no bridge on the river to wait for the ice to freeze, and the long night is the dawn.


Now that I have chosen to be far away, I only care about wind and rain.


When the heart is clear, the rain is also clear; when the heart is rainy, the rain is also clear.


There is no longer road than foot, no higher mountain than man.


Life is not only one place, colorful and brilliant, that withered flowers, not spring.


I didn"t see you when you were the most beautiful. When I saw you, it was the face of summer.


I don"t want to think whether I can succeed or not. Since I have chosen to be far away, I only care about the wind and rain.

14.如果生活不够慷慨,我们也不必回报吝啬,何必要细细的盘算,付出和得到的必须一般多, 如果能够大方,何必显得猥琐,如果能够潇洒 何必选择寂寞,获得是一种满足,给予是一种快乐。

If life is not generous enough, we do not have to return miserly, why careful calculation, pay and get must be generally more, if you can be generous, why appear obscene, if you can be natural and unrestrained, why choose loneliness, get is a kind of satisfaction, give is a kind of happiness.


It"s not that I don"t want to love, it"s not that I don"t love, I"m afraid, love is also a kind of injury.



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