
很经典的人生哲理句子 值得收藏分享



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Beauty is the pursuit of countless people. In fact, the most beautiful thing is your warm and pure heart.


I don"t think numbness, rigidity and sophistication are maturity. Real maturity should have the ability of growth, so it always contains childlike innocence in essence. A person is mature enough in spirit to face up to and bear the suffering of life. At the same time, his heart is still simple and he still has a childlike interest in the world. He is a wise person.


We had expected the approval of the outside world, and only in the end did we know that the world is our own and has nothing to do with others; We have been concerned about the return of pay, to the end to understand that everything will be lost, can only leave a little empty name.


Funny souls will meet, boring souls will fade away, beautiful may be late, but will never be absent.

许多事从一开始,就已料到了结局,往后所有的折腾, 只是为了拖延散场的时间

Many things from the beginning, have expected the end, after all the toss, just to delay the end of the time


No matter good or bad, people only talk about turbidity. I hope you are full of fresh air, and you will grow lotus in the turbid. Thank you for the gift of the years, embrace the time, and grow old calmly. In the most beautiful years, live to be yourself.


Everything is possible. When it"s over, it"s over. In middle age, a man has a knife in his hand and a Buddha in his heart. There will be weak water for the sea, no longer send Wushan Acacia.


The most beautiful life is not controlled by the elders, not regulated by the society, but bravely stand up for ourselves, gently overthrow the world, and turn the world into ours.


There are always some mistakes in the long road of life. How much truth is hidden in our jokes; Who can understand, who can see through.


It"s very difficult not to lose yourself under the rules of stars. It"s even more valuable for people who don"t give in, don"t follow the crowd, and can maintain proper goodwill.


Flowers bloom, not to fall, but to bloom. Life is not to complain, but to grow. No matter when, don"t forget the original intention, be grateful for all you meet


Life, shallow know each other, light forget each other, when the memory of the meteor across the silent night sky, has already turned into the soul of the most eternal aftertaste and unique sound, don"t tangle, don"t worry, in front of, there are better scenery.

前世记不清楚,来生谁能把握?即使今生,又有多少交错,是我们自己也无能为力的遗憾?又有多少幸福,留在我们触摸不到的,那个叫做永远的梦. 能让心归于安然平和,淡淡的隐藏在岁月深处。

The past life is not clear, who can grasp the future life? Even if this life, and how many staggered, is our own helpless regret? How much happiness, stay in what we can"t touch, that is called eternal dream. Can let the heart return to peace, light hidden in the depths of years.



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