
给高考生的励志句子‖青霄有路终须到 金榜题名待日归


The writings in classical style are very long, there are many texts, the math problems are very difficult, the physics has

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文言文很长,课文很多,数学题很难,物理头疼,五点起十二点睡,还有乱七八糟的人,但我还是想拼一把,我想去的地方很远,想见的人很优秀 最重要的,我不服。

The writings in classical style are very long, there are many texts, the math problems are very difficult, the physics has a headache, you go to bed at 12 o"clock from 5 o"clock, and there are people at sixes and sevens, but I still want to spell it out. I want to go far away, and the people I want to see are excellent and most important. I refuse to accept it.


At the foot of the mountain is not to make you more comfortable lying down, but to make you look up at others and be stepped on.

每天不足六个小时的睡眠,两天用完一支的中性笔,无数杯速溶咖啡下活蹦乱跳的我们,当我穿过黑暗的黎明走向教学楼时,我在想,我们是不是在透支着生命,但命运给了我一巴掌,说这些都不算什么, 如果你想赢 。

Less than six hours of sleep a dayA gel pen that runs out in two days.We are alive and kicking under countless cups of instant coffee.When I walked to the teaching building through the dark dawn, I thoughtAre we overdrawing our lives?But fate gave me a slap and saidThese are nothing if you want to win.


"Use the rest of the time to go to a good schoolThere are more people than love someone who has nothing to do with the future. "


Running is too tiring, homework too much, science too difficult, sleep too little, but to survive these difficult days is to have a bright future.


"Books are piled up very high, but that"s what you have seen. Stand up and you can see the Sanhao students on the blackboard. The class is very chaotic. I look out of the window in a noisy environment and think about the future. I am impartial. The light falls on my face. That is the future."


There is a way to Qingxiao and it must be there eventually. to be no.1 will return to Japan later.


Please remember that towards the distant is our ultimate goal, whether traveling together or alone. Please remember, with kindness and courage, to be a little giant who can climb mountains and mountains.


The college entrance examination is a labor-saving lever to realize life. This is the best time for you to move it, and your life will rise in an arc in the future.


May you have the pride of the soldiers when you close the pen cover.




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