
愚人节的搞怪句子 幽默有趣 值得分享


1 我就像一棵孤寂的树,长久的屹立在马路旁,落寞的守候着,只是为了有那么一天,当你从我身旁路过时,为你倾倒,砸不扁你算我输。愚人节快乐。Im like

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I"m like a lonely tree, standing by the road for a long time, waiting lonely, just for one day, when you pass by me, I"ll fall for you, if I can"t beat you, I"ll lose. Happy April Fool"s Day.


I"m at a loss to meet you. I can"t avoid your affection. I tried my best to escape, but you pressed me step by step. I cried, "whose dog is nobody"s business?"


Your eyes, I see confidence; your eyebrows, I see vicissitudes; your forehead, I see years; your teeth, I see vegetables. Go and brush your teeth. Happy April Fool"s day.


April Fool"s Day is coming. As a good brother, I really don"t want to punish you. Even if you want to, you don"t have that ability, right. Oh, forget. When they texted just now, they all said that only a fool would read it. Happy holidays.


To boast of your beauty is to say you are ugly; to praise your intelligence is to say you are stupid. So, I can only say, April Fool"s Day is coming, I hope you are not good-looking and simple, happy holiday.


There is an understanding called understanding, there is a feeling called fun, there is a nostalgia called looking through the water, there is a fool will read the information.


April Fool"s Day is coming, I wish you have tricks, funny tricks, tricks, April 1 in my move, is to be happy every day oh.


Dear friends, when you see this message, please hit the wall with your head, see? The countless dots in front of you are the infinite blessings I send you. Happy April Fool"s Day!


No matter how high the sky is, how deep the sea is, how strong the wind is, how wide the river is, how hard the steel is, how long the ruler is, how strong the wine is, how hot the fire is, how cold the ice is I just want to tell you sincerely, in fact, these have nothing to do with you. Happy April Fool"s Day!


What"s the beginning of April? I think you know. One step forward is happiness; one step back is happiness. I wish you a happy April Fool"s day no matter whether you are going forward or backward.


If beauty is a mistake, I have made a big mistake; if cleverness is a crime, I have been unforgivable; it"s really hard to be a man. But you are different, there is no wrong and no sin, I really envy you. Remember to be happy on April Fool"s day.


It is said that there will be a meteor shower on the night of April Fool"s day, and then there will be a pig floating over the sky. Unfortunately, I have to work on the night shift, so I can"t see it. You"re good. There are so many people watching you fly.


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