
只属于你的深情句子 越看越喜欢 抚慰受伤的心


Since that love hurt, I dont believe in love anymore, and I completely give up Thinking,自从那段爱情受伤后,我就不再相信爱情了,我彻底放弃了

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The rain kept falling, slipping through the deepest scar in my heart.


Since that love hurt, I don"t believe in love anymore, and I completely give up. Thinking,


Always saying to forget, to forget, is actually waiting for yourself not to care.


In the quiet night, I clearly heard my uneasy heartbeat, and moved the mouse to try to turn the music to the highest volume to cover up my inner panic. Knocking on the keyboard, writing and deleting, deleting and writing, I don"t know what words to use to describe my mood at this time. I don"t know how long ago, I thought the night was beautiful. Always looking at the bright moonlight and twinkling stars, sitting at the window and dreaming Cinderella"s dream. Nowadays, the night is no longer beautiful. Covered by my heart, I only know that when the night comes, my heart will be involuntarily linked with loneliness. Only dim street lamps swaying in the wind accompanied by loneliness, only virtual network listening to me, only sighing at the screen and looking at the deserted street outside the window, there is an inexplicable sadness in my heart.


There will be happiness, happiness should be paid, be kind to yourself, don"t compare, don"t care, always look back and give yourself a question mark and exclamation mark!


Tears blurred my vision, forgetting sadness is not that simple.


You asked me not to leave, but I was judged as an obstacle, waiting for the final blank.


Most of what women say to break up is to get retention. Some men"s feedback, to divide points, I don"t know what is retention. The elder brothers, I think, you don"t promise to break up, this is to retain, don"t want you to cry, make trouble and commit suicide by hanging.


Talking about life with friends and finding a partner, they said, "Just find someone to marry and live, don"t talk about love. Look at us. We are all juniors, and we don"t even have an object. I don"t believe in love anymore. " When it comes to the partners who go to school together, many of them are already married and have children, and it is estimated that we will be left in the end. It"s strange that they are as young as I am, so how can they give up love completely?


There are always so many words that I can"t tell people, and I like to talk about my joys and sorrows in words.


When we have no money, we say we will hit the road when we have money, and when we have money, we say we will hit the road when we have time. When we have money and time, we say that we can"t let go of our current working family, and we are afraid of unemployment and alienation, and the difficulties when we return home. There is no time, and we complain again. Over and over again, I became a person who couldn"t read myself.


Looking back on that time, the wind blew away the fallen flowers and the world of mortals, and life was full of worries.


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