
适合发朋友圈的句子 句句意味深长 引人深思




Years such as streams, flowing between the fingers, mottledmemories, blooming time, rich life. Bloom for a period of time,flowers on the open, flowers fell, withered desolate.


Light thick ink, with a sincere heart graffiti: quietly see theyears, light see flowers.


Most of the time, you have to walk on your own. No one knows yourreal wound. You trudge through the muddy years. All the spectatorsare just standing at the finish line, watching your blood-soakedsmile.


My love is like this. Take Mui Qi for example, it is as clear aswater. I found him in the years, leaned on him, and gave him my wholelife. Be his wife, mother of his children, cook for him, do hislaundry, sew a lost button. Then, we grow old together.


One day, he will leave me, or I will leave him, to live in anotherworld. Back then, we could say the simplest "I do" to eachother.


One day, time will blow everything away, and all doubt, confusion,and unease will disappear, until it is spotless. And those sealed inthe years of kiln wine, will also be opened at the appropriate time,in a sunny day to taste gently.


Please forgive me for not saying goodbye, but for trying to hideyou in the deepest corner, out of reach of anyone or any time.


Falling flowers falling rain, you swaying beauty; Flowers evokepast loves; I would like to put the duckweed in the middle of thelake; Only accompany you, the ripples of the years.


Don"t ask what the world is like, go to the place of paradise. Ifyou would pass your time in peace.


Time is like water, years vicissitudes of life, how many dreamscan withstand years of waste, how many years you persistent.


Jingya listen to the time to sing, look at the flow of time.


Offering my life for a time of peace. If time is quiet, I willsmile and never grow old. Time will remember that those who areconsistent, those who are quiet and beautiful, there are some things,hidden deep inside, that never grow old.


Years such as knife, carved childishness, carved vicissitudes oflife. Years like a song, sing praises of prosperity, spreadloneliness. Years such as water, wash away duckweed, precipitationreally. Years like fire, burning blood, training their own.

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