
让人瞬间清醒的句子 句句戳心 让人不得不服


即使我把汤打碎了,我也会睡在竹窗里,睡在书里。当我感觉安明岳沉浸在冰冷的土地上。Even if I broke my soup, I would sleep in a bamboo

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Even if I broke my soup, I would sleep in a bamboo window, in abook. When I feel an Ming Yue immersed in the cold earth.


Time passed several times, but behind the prosperity was the day Iheld up alone.


Pick it up, dust it off, wave away your old life while you"re halfdrunk and half awake, and walk back and forth. The strange thing wasthat it shook the ground, and the untouchable dust was shaken offagain. No one answered, looking to the sky, swallowing silently,breaking the soul and leaving its mark.


The moment of eternity, can not give a lifetime of prosperity, butgave a lifetime of sadness. Maybe at that moment, I understand, Ijust can"t find a reason to refuse.


The years are light and the quicksand becomes a river. At thattime, the song surrounded me, drunk the moon, and lost theprosperity.


In the past, we have walked many busy street corners andexperienced many stormy days. We used to lean on each other, hug andkiss each other. Do you remember the afternoon when we met and kneweach other? Do you remember when we used to text the pillow? Do youremember the night of our first date? Do you remember when wetouched? Do you remember...


Every street corner we"ve ever walked on is now a mirage, fadingaway. We have experienced the wind and rain is also yearsprecipitation down, fall in our innermost heart. Our love is driftingwith the wind and disappearing into the depths of the clouds.


Behind your happiness, I am lonely, helpless and vicissitudes oflife on that bustling street.


The night was always bleak and quiet, as if it were for peoplelike me. All the busy and busy days are still in this moment, givingall those who strive for life a quiet place to live.


Suddenly look back, flowers still in, the appearance of easy old,the season of prosperity and desolation has passed, the vicissitudesof life, the world of mortals fly, time with time to once love tiedin the years of dull notes, open it is beautiful; Dusty, no regrets.


Along the way, I wrote once moved romantic snow month; I heardbefore and after spent the oath, saw the bustling world how manythings are wrong; In order to gather and scatter yi, how manyjourneys have you traveled; How many emotions are waiting to see eachother"s flowers, how many people can not reach the other shore.

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