


1 Id better get on my horseIts time to leave 2 Break a leg!Good luck! Usually said to someone who is going to appear i

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1. (I"d) better get on my horse

It"s time to leave.

2. Break a leg!

Good luck! (Usually said to someone who is going to appear in front of an audience.)

3. Dig in!

You can start eating your meal.

4. Bite your tongue!

Keep quiet!

5. Butt out!

Go away and mind your own business!

6. By the skin of my teeth.

Only just.

7. Beats me.

I don"t know.

8. Drop me a line.

Write me (a letter).

9. Go jump in a lake!

Go away and stop bothering me!

10. Get off my tail!

Stop following me!

11. As we speak.

Just now.

12. Bag it! / Bag your face!

Be quiet! / Shut up and go away!

13. Bang goes _____!

Said when you lose the chance to do or have something e.g. Bang goes my pay rise!

14. Be that as it may.

Even though that may be true.

15. Bully for you!

Used sarcastically when someone expects praise but you don"t think they deserve it.

16. You can"t fight the city hall.

There"s no way to beat the bureaucracy.

17. Cut the comedy!

Stop acting silly and telling jokes!

18. Don"t even look like something!

Do not even appear to be doing something!

19. Don"t even go there!

Don"t you dare bring up that subject.

20. Don"t I know it!

I know that very well!

21. Don"t stand on ceremony!

Please be at ease and make yourself at home.

22. Do you get my drift?

Do you understand what I"m saying?

23. Do you want to step outside?

An expression inviting someone to go out of doors to settle an argument by fighting.

24. Easy does it.

Move slowly and carefully.

25. Fair to middling.

A response to an inquiry about the state of one"s health.

26. Fill in the blanks.

You can figure out the rest.

27. Gotcha!

I understand what you said / what you want.

28. Hang in there.

Be patient, things will work out.

29. Have a ball!

Enjoy yourself!

30. Have a good one.

Have a nice day.

31. Have a heart!

Please be kind and compassionate.

32. Hold your horses!



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