
意味深长的人生感悟句子 精辟有内涵 句句正能量



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In the cold autumn, there are some injuries. Time back to romanticand romantic life, just a prosperous, a dream. In the fleeting time,scattered purples alone rocking the season of melancholy andconfusion.


The heart is like a fallen leaf, leaving traces with the wind. Thecold wind blows the lonely place, the passing years mottled thememory, falls in the busy time, the fireworks fall from the othershore, the red traces remain in the wind, wandering gently in thedream full of beauty, the picture can not help but let a person beinfatuated.


Prosperity is gone, and red is everywhere. In a vague dream, yourtemples covered with wind and frost, you smiled and asked me if Iremembered the Old Testament. I nod my head hard and reach out totouch your warm cheek, but I hate the blur of tears, can"t see youclearly. Take your hand, stare at it, say a thousand words. If youwant to say something but don"t have any words and you"re ashamed tolook at it, you"ve decided you"re the one who"s been waiting.


There are things I don"t know and don"t want to know. Some words,do not say, but do not say; Some injury is not painless, but dare nothurt; Some people do not love, but can not love; Every dust in theworld is spent in the mirror, after all, annihilation in the reddust; No matter how busy the singing circle is, it is just phantomwater and moon, who also can"t keep it very late; Therefore, it isbetter to simply walk in the sun, ignore the tedious things entangledin the heart, and go at will.


That Tanabata, that afternoon, in a foreign land bustling citybridge to meet you, is fate, is accidental or accidental. Heavytraffic flying, you in the rain in the flyover drift, you and I meeteach other, silently said, walked toward the familiar street, howmuch melancholy, how much hesitation and how much injury?Unconsciously, the Tanabata rain gradually stopped, people finallyscattered.


Tonight, I wander alone in the bustling city night. How can redlight and green wine keep careless meeting? How can one sleeplessnight erase generations of grief?


A person wandering, can not sit, stand. Smeared with dust, Si Yicame back. A musical instrument, with pity and pain, madadayo text,floating to floating business, made lingering, aspersed thedesolation, played the joys and sorrows, dissipated the prosperity,silent, in the pleasant years read you thousands of times. As seen atfirst sight, the sky is blue, rubbing the plain face, with a dream inlistening, gentle and gentle, with prosperity, in the years safelyswaying that distant dream, waiting for me.


When the music is over, you are waiting for me, I will abandon allthe prosperity, keep the heart clean, waiting for your return. In myheart, there is a book without words. I wrote the time, diluteacacia.

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