
暖心治愈的句子 简短精辟 治愈你的不开心~


In life, you dont have to be rich and famous, but you have to live a clean life 世间百态,定要亲自品尝,才知其真味;漫漫尘路,定要亲力亲为,才知其距离

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In life, you don"t have to be rich and famous, but you have to live a clean life.


In the world, you must taste all kinds of things to know their true taste; in the long dust Road, you must do it yourself to know the distance.


After their unremitting efforts, so different, dripping life, not simple!


If something makes you ugly, don"t do it. If a person makes you unlovable, leave him.


The best revenge is not to destroy a person or yourself, but to be happier than they are.


Sometimes, the word "false alarm" is the most beautiful idiom in the world. It is a hundred times better than any euphoria and plain sailing.


When you choose to empty your hands, who else can take what from you!


People live a lifetime, either have depth, or interesting, or quiet.


The best person: like the sky, quiet. Like a child, sincere.


When we encounter things that we don"t like but can"t change, the only thing we can do is to be patient.


Life is better to see through than to see through. Take a rest when you are tired, dance with the breeze, be quiet when you are tired, gaze at flowers and plants, slow down when you are in a hurry, and smile with yourself.


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