
被恋人冷落时候看的情感句子 简单美好 触动了眼泪


Sometimes, prefer to choose nostalgia not to let go 生活是种律动,须有光有影,有左有右,有晴有雨,滋味就含在这变而不猛的曲折里

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Sometimes, prefer to choose nostalgia not to let go.


Life is a rhythm, there must be light and shadow, left and right, sunny and rain, taste is contained in this change but not fierce twists and turns.


Love you love is not enough, just want to leave a moment around you, the sound of the heartbeat is the beautiful melody of love, let our love play the most beautiful notes in the world!


When I was a kid, I wanted to be a scientist, a mathematician, an inventor, and now I just want to have a family with you.


This is as far as I can take you, and you have to walk the rest of the way. Don"t look back.

一念起,万水千山。一念灭,沧海桑田。 ——姚敏 《不负如来不负卿》

Once read, long march.A read out, vicissitudes of life. -- Yao Min, "Live up to Your Reputation"


In this chaotic age, what do I take to prove the value of my existence.


M: Want to know the difference between the stars and you?Woman: One very flash and the other no.Male: The stars are always in the sky, you are always in my heart.


Time buried many young bodies.


The main reason for the current contradictions between people and others is that there is a certain group of people who are used to judging others by the standards of sages and demanding themselves by the standards of bitches.


I used up all the luck, only to meet you that moment, life in that moment light up.


Marriage is the starting point of long-distance love, the inflection point of love and affection, and the turning point of romance and reality.

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