
传遍朋友圈的煽情小句子 字字入心 治愈一切忧伤


The melancholy of passing by him is the tempestuous waves of my life 男人如衣服姐妹如手足,谁脱我衣服我砍她手足

友情提示:本文共有 1773 个字,阅读大概需要 4 分钟。


The melancholy of passing by him is the tempestuous waves of my life.


Men are like clothes and sisters are like brothers and sisters. Who takes off my clothes, I cut off her brothers and sisters.


Even if you"re just going downstairs to get fruit, don"t be sloppy.You never know when you"re going to meet someone.


True love is not giving everything, but making yourself a better person.It"s better to walk away proudly than beg for love if you love someone and don"t respond.


Perhaps WHAT I give you is happiness is looking forward to is also the final injury but after leaving me a heartache.


Sometimes the best way to get someone"s attention is to stop giving them yours.


"Do you know the difference between you and the stars?""The stars are in the sky, but you are in my heart."


My dear, you are so beautiful, so generous, so considerate, just forgive me this little mistake, I promise I won"t make it again.


Miss a person, always when I do not feel, slowly invading my weak heart, affecting my heartbeat, wreathed my beautiful dream!


What you see is the real me!A kind of never-ending moving!Moved this world has you and I this most beautiful existence!


The bitter sea is boundless, turn back is me!


About you, thousands of troops and horses, four tides, you smile, my heart is sweet.


"There are seven days in a week." "Guess which day I like?""Every day with you"

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