
舒缓创伤的绝美文案 高级又治愈 现实又无奈


If you had not told me at the beginning that you would always love me and never leave me, as long as you hold you, you

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Can you wash something for me?Wash?Like me


If you had not told me at the beginning that you would always love me and never leave me, as long as you hold you, you could have the whole world.


Would you take me home as a necessity?


Life is not easy enough,


Leave the world how much love, to face the floating world thousands of heavy change.Do happy things with lovers, do not ask is robbery is fate.


Let me choose, I"d rather forget someone I loved than remember someone I couldn"t love.


Seems to be used to waiting, simply think waiting will come...


I can"t read the view through your eyes.


It"s just a pass, why remember so clear.


Let"s make a bet. If you lose, you"ll be my date.What bet?I"m taller than you!


You always don"t care when I look at my own thin.

我想问一条路 到你心里的路。

I want to ask a way to your heart.

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舒缓创伤的绝美文案 满是无奈 满是无奈感!

舒缓创伤的绝美文案 满是无奈 满是无奈感!

I"d love to have you all the way, no matter how stupid I am.不管我有多蠢,我都想拥有你。Sometimes I wish I didn"t feel it, and it would be much better.有时候真希望自己没有感觉,这样会好很多。Distant thoughts, not wanting you to leave, always have indelible memories....

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